Chapter XLII: Old Gizas

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(Special thanks to Craftfury)

That night, Amethyst couldn't sleep, but then again, she didn't need to. She was so excited about getting to find out more about her creation. Why she was given these powers, what purpose they serve, and what they are what she hasn't discovered yet. She roasted some marshmallows in her room while she pondered.

The next morning, Amethyst was very excited about going on this excursion. "Steven, you coming?" She asked. "Nah, Arya wants me to come over. I really don't know why." He said. Amethyst snickered. "What's so funny?" Steven asked.

"Nevermind," Amethyst said as Peridot appeared on the warp pad. "Ready, Amethyst?" She asked, getting closer to the purple gem. "Heck yeah, I'm ready!" She responded, excitedly.

"I texted Michael that night, telling him and his brother to get ready with a list of items to take with them," Peridot said. "He should be here shortly."

Meanwhile, at the house, Robert was putting lots of water bottles, foodstuffs, and various outfits in his backpack while Michael was charging their devices. "Wait, why are we going to Egypt?" Robert asked. "Peridot says that's where the next melody is," He said.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to look for them anymore?" Robert asked.

"Well, as it turns out, we did NOT fulfill the prophecy because apparently Mom wants to hear the full song" Michael replied. "I don't wanna get grounded on the first day we bring her back." When the phones and guns were fully charged, the Light brothers headed out. "Hey, Arya, aren't you coming?" Michael asked.

"Nah, I have a whole day to myself, so I wanna have Steven over." She said. Michael nodded "And how do you think this trip's gonna go?" He asked.

"I... don't know, my psychic power's not working today." She said. Michael sighed as they headed out.

Without talking to anyone, the four stepped on the Warp pad and were transported to a desert with a town in the distance. The group walked to it, there were various people of all shapes and sizes. "Now to find Ivy" Amethyst declared.

"Who's Ivy?" Robert asked.

"She's the Peridot who helped in Amethyst's creation," Michael said, making a holographic projection of what she looked like for him to see.

"I never realized there's more than one Peridot," he said.

"Pearl can explain it to you," Michael replied, not in the mood. Ivy found the group and ran towards them. She immediately hugged Amethyst, much to the dismay of Peridot. "Where have you been?" Ivy asked. "And is this the fellow Pink told me about all those years ago?" Ivy pointed at Robert, much to his confusion.

"Yeah, That's him, the 'chosen hero' everybody loves." Michael pouted. "Let's find a place of rest so we can review our plan of action," Peridot said. "That is an excellent idea," Ivy said,

"Yeah, we know our brainiac, P!" Amethyst added, ruffling her hair. Peridot blushed at this, as they found a hotel for the five of them.

"Are we all gonna share one room?" Robert asked. "It'd be cheaper, and we're probably gonna need all the money we can get for the trouble we're about to get into."

"How will we get in trouble?" Peridot asked. Michael pointed at the large fence around the pyramid with guards surrounding it.

"Geez, you'd think people were about to raid it as they did with Area 51," Michael said.

"Actually, only about three people were bold enough to actually get past the fence," Robert responded. Ivy went to the guard and asked him, "May we go inside the pyramid?"

"Negative. This pyramid is off-limits, and no persons may enter unless they are of high authority." He explained. "Any breach can and will result in death."

When Ivy explained it to the group, they looked disappointed. "Ah, well, we tried." Michael said about to go back to the warp pad. Robert stopped him. "I sense something...Darkness lurks from within..." He said.

"You sure?" Michael asked. "Wait...I sense it, too. Something's guarding the melody."

Robert walked up to the guard "Why may no one access the pyramid? It would make for an excellent tourist attraction." He said.

"Look, kid. We can't let anyone get lost in there." The guard said.

"Did anyone get lost in there?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

The guard looked around before whispering, "Look, kid, The truth is we were paid lotta money from this old hag to keep everyone out."

Robert went back to the group. "You know any other ways inside the pyramid?" Robert asked.

"Actually, there is one other than the front entrance," Ivy said.

"If we go to the sphinx southwest of this settlement, we will find a secret entrance, most likely made by native humans several thousand years ago in case this sort of thong would happen" Peridot explained.

"You're too smart, Peridot!" Amethyst said. Peridot blushed as they headed to the secret entrance and went inside...

To be continued...

Light in the Universe: Part II (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now