Chapter LIX: The Dark Realm

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(Thanks to Craftfury)

The story so far:

Robert, Steven, and Arya got blasted out of the sky by Emerald while Michael went in and took her head-on, losing his buster and left arm in the process, but he still survived and is now on Earth since he flew back to the Sun Incinerator and went through Lars' hair. Meanwhile, Robert, Arya, and Steven landed on Roden, A.K.A. the Jungle Moon and agreed to help the locals by destroying the abandoned facility, but they find the last melody, and Lardna traps them in the Dark realm.

Robert, Steven, and Arya woke up in what appeared to be a black void. There was no color, other than the inky black abyss that surrounded them.

"There's...nothing left..." Steven said.

"Did...Did we just lose?" Arya asked.

"Are we...dead?" Robert asked.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Arya and Robert broke down and cried. They would never be able to see their friends or family again. Steven would never eat another Cookie Cat, fuse with Amethyst or Connie, or finish Golf Quest Mini 110%. Robert would never be able to pursue a career, make a friend, or talk to Lapis ever again.

Steven thought of something: Lion! He could have Lion pick them up...but how. "Arya, can you call Lion?" Steven asked.

Arya wiped away the tears. "Wh-What?" she sobbed.

"I need you to see if you can't call Lion with your psychic powers," Steven said. He turned to Robert "And Robert? Get up!" he said in a more impatient manner.

Robert looked up. "I know I've only known you for about five months, but if there's anything I know it's that I've never seen you give up! You never gave in! You said it yourself: 'A Light always shines through,' Are you gonna prove it or not?!" Steven asked.

Robert wiped away the tears before emitting a fireball torch in his hand to light the way. They wandered the halls before looking outside. Was it day or was it night? The sky was a royal blue, the sun was black in the sky. Was it an eclipse?

Where even were they?

They hid in the cave behind them when what appeared to be three people who looked almost exactly like them. The only difference was, Robert's doppelganger's skin was green, Steven's doppelganger's skin was blue, and Arya's doppelganger's skin was red.

Our heroes readied their weapons as they approached the doppelgangers. Arya's doppelganger alerted the others when they got too close and they readied for battle.

"Creatures of Light! You really shouldn't be here, lest you wish to fall to the Heroes of Darkness!" Robert's doppelganger boomed.

"What?" Robert asked.

"Enough talk! Have at you!" Arya's doppelganger growled.

Robert, Steven, and Arya were dumbfounded by their doppelganger's willingness to fight.

"Hey hey hey, put your weapons down! We can talk about this, we don't even know where we are." Steven said. His doppelganger didn't seem to care, as he charged and made bubble gauntlets.

Arya turned to face Steven's doppelganger as her eyes flashed white, putting the doppelganger in an immediate trance.

"You will be reasonable!" Arya said before letting the Dark Realm Steven out of trance. "I will be reasonable..." The Dark Realm Steven repeated before helping his Light realm counterpart up.

The Dark Realm Robert and Dark Realm Arya weren't so open, as they kept wailing on Robert, who was now in his statue state, waiting for them to tire themselves out. Steven put them both in bubbles and forced them to listen. Robert got out of his statue state and explained the whole story.

"So it's the Dark Mistress? Not the Light mistress?" Dark Robert replied. "Huh...Does this mean...We're the bad guys?"

"Not necessarily." Steven replied. "You just didn't get the full story, Anyway we gotta go."

Arya tried communicating with Lion, and four seconds later, Lion appeared with Connie and Michael on his back.

"Come on, we ain't got all day!" Michael shouted.

The dark counterparts waved goodbye as Robert, Steven, and Arya hopped on Lion's back and headed to the Light Realm.

As they waved goodbye

"You failed me misreably, children!" A voice said from around the Dark Heroes.

They turned around to see a cross Lardna, to which they drew their weapons.

"You LIAR! You weren't trying to help us! You're trying to-"

Dark Robert was silenced with a snap of her fingers, removing his mouth.

"Spare me the heroics, child. You were sent here for a simple goal, and you couldn't even accomplish that. So lest you wish to share your brother's fate, you grovel before me!" Lardna growled.

Dark Arya jumped behind Lardna, only for her to be caught in mid-air.

"Wrong answer" Lardna replied as her eyes glowed a nasty black, and they were evaporated from existence.

Dark Steven was consumed by the Darkness...

Dark Arya was consumed by the Darkness...

Dark Robert was consumed by the Darkness...

Meanwhile, our Light heroes had no time to celebrate, as Yellow and Blue Diamond waited on the beach for them to arrive, and they didn't look too pleased.


A/N: Sorry this took so long to write, I was running low on ideas.

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