Chapter LI: Rise of the Darkness

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(I'm gonna try using a different style of writing fight scenes, if that's okay.)

Robert laid in his car and thought about his life choices. Was he really a hero? After all, he murdered a gem without any honor or mercy, he wasn't there to rescue his family or help in taking care of the cluster. He hasn't saved any lives, nor has he protected anyone. All he did was manage to get himself and his allies in danger. He got a text from Steven.


Robert got his sword out of the trunk and proceeded into Kevin's backyard through the gate. He immediately caught an eyeful of four Rubies, being led by a dark doppelganger of Michael.

"So you're the villain of Light who made my brother cry like a baby!" He hissed.

Robert blushed. He felt guilty for not even giving him a chance to redeem himself. "I'm...I'm sorry" he replied.

"You should be, you racist!" Michael growled. That really struck at him. He was called a great number of things in his youth, but never a racist. Robert hung his head in shame.

"Yeah, get outta here, ya autistic freak!" Dark Michael yelled.

Just then, Robert collapsed on the ground. Michael's eyes gleamed with rage.

"Repeat that one more time, my Buster didn't hear that correctly, did you just use autism as an insult?" Michael Light growled.

"Oh, I think you mean-"

That was all Dark Michael could get out before a lawn chair smacked him right in the face. The rubies behind him stepped forward, and fused into a being four times their size.

"As the Dark Prognosticus predicted" Dark Michael huffed as he got up and latched on to the giant ruby fusion. "G-Get offa me!" Ruby exclaimed as Dark Michael melted and spread across her body, almost like a timelapse of mold claiming an orange. Michael fired his buster at Dark Michael, who didn't seem too damaged by it at all, as he took possession of the fused Ruby, turning her eyes completely black.

*Dark Ruby Michael attacked.

*Arya tried PSI Flash 𝛃

*But nothing happened!

*Steven threw a shield!

*150 HP damage to Dark Ruby Michael!

*Dark Ruby Michael tore into you!

*489 HP damage to Robert!

*Michael tried PSI Freeze 𝜸!

*26 HP damage to Dark Ruby Michael!

*Connie spied on Dark Ruby Michael!

*Offense is 140!

*Desense is 50!

*Vulnerable to PSI Fire!

*Robert attacks


*360 HP Damage to Dark Ruby Michael!

*Arya prayed with her whole heart!

*A Golden light pored over the area!

*Steven's HP was maxed out!

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