Chapter XLIV: Return of Aquamarine

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"Miss me Light?" An annoying voice said from the top of the pyramid. "Oh, and I see you brought your traitorous brother as well." They turned around, and Robert was a little confused at HER return. Aquamarine stood atop the smaller pyramid with a smug grin. "How are you...alive?" He asked.

"It was simple, My topaz tricked you into thinking she was a traitor!" She laughed. Michael snickered, knowing that Topazes were known for their low intelligence. "Now, surrender yourselves to Blue Diamond or perish!" She said.

Robert expected Michael to attack Aquamarine, but instead he turned Robert around and gave a group huddle with him, Amethyst, Peridot, and Ivy. "Alright, here's the plan: we surrender, prove our innocence, and the Diamonds will take us home and let us do our job." Michael explained. "As for you three, you go back to the temple, don't let anyone know where we've been, and wait for us to get back."

"Since when did Michael become the one with a plan?" Amethyst asked.

"Since I don't want my ass handed to me." Michael said. "I may be cocky, but I know when words are better than wars. Besides, I have these" He showed databases that held Pink Diamond's holograms. "These'll come in handy"

"How did you recover those?" Peridot asked.

"Let's say these hands ain't just for attracting babes" Michael said with a sly smirk. "And besides, Robert prefers to spare the enemies."

Robert grumbled. They turned around. "Alright, we'll go, but under two conditions. One, you aquama-return all the people you kidnapped trying to find us" Michael started. Robert groaned at the pun. "Two, You don't aquama-return to Earth. Let me make this Crystal Clear: You pretty much got no choice. Robert already curb-stomped you once, now he's stronger, and we can do it" Michael explained. Aquamarine averted her gaze and blushed, remembering her embarrassing defeat at the boardwalk which she had to use the lowest form of escape.

"Deal" She said, and they headed off.

"At least Connie will be pleased..." Peridot said.

"No she won't, and neither will Lapis!" Amethyst said. "But that's not as important right now. Ivy, Why did you not tell me the reason for my creation?"

"Pink Diamond only tells me her goals, not her motives." Ivy said simply. "But how are we going to keep this a secret? Michael mentioned that his and Robert's mother is a female practitioner of unexplainable forces, and I interacted with their sibling, known as Arya, whom has powers similar to a Sapphire. Will they not tell the other Crystal Gems?" Ivy asked.

"Michael just doesn't understand, they'll need our help, Come on!" Peridot said as they ran to the warp pad.

When they got back, all the gems, minus Steven, were there, along with Percy, Kalinka, and Arya, as well as a large blue robot that towered over Garnet. "Uh...What is that thing?" Amethyst asked. It's red eye glowed and displayed a hologram of a bearded roboticist.

"Greetings, My name is Dr. Thomas Light. When my brother told of my niece's vision, I began work on this new automaton. I call him D.A.L. (Does that sound like a good name?) His main mission is to defend the Light clan at all costs. I equipped him with the most state-of-the-art transportation, antivirus, a bulletproof alloy, and weapons systems, as well as a compression and decompression feature. As of now, he is to protect Beach City and its residents. I gotta go. Good luck" He explained before fading out of existence.

"Wait, where's Steven?" Amethyst asked. Arya turned solemn. "Aquamarine took him... I didn't want a repeat of the last 10 years of my life, so I hid... I'm so sorry!" She sobbed.

"What's going to happen to them, Arya?" Peridot asked. Arya closed her eyes. "They think Steven's someone named 'Rose Quartz.' Yellow and Blue Diamond will put them on trial." She said before opening her eyes.

"And? Will they be okay?" Lapis asked.

"I-...I'm not sure...I can't see that far." Arya cried softly. "Garnet? What about you?" Garnet simply shook her head. "I can only see futures I'm a part of." She said.

"I guess all we can do is hope they make it home alive..." Pearl said, distraught.

To Be Continued...

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