Chapter XLVI: The Trial (Part 1)

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(A/N) Four chapters in one week! I am killing it!

The blue gem walked inside and stood beside the four as they were taken up an elevator into what appeared to be a large room with Yellow and Blue Diamond sitting on their respective thrones. The audience was booing and hissing at the group. Michael was smiling and flexing in the notoriety, laughing at their confusion.

Afterward, there was silence in the courtroom for about thirty seconds, before what appeared to be a blue variant of the gem that stood beside them appeared from behind Yellow Diamond's throne, looking very smug. "Defending a rebel?" It asked sarcastically "Isn't that treason?"

"I was assigned to this!" It shot back. Michael couldn't help but let out a small chortle. "What do you find amusing?" The yellow gem asked.

"A number of things, Zircon." Michael chuckled. The blue lawyer seemed startled that he knew its name.

"We'll deal with you two first" the Yellow Zircon started before clearing its throat and pulling out an index card. "Robert and Michael Light, you are charged with attempting to destroy Homeworld and its inhabitants, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty" Robert said simply.

"It's alright for you to attempt to destroy Earth and its inhabitants, but not for anybody else to do the same? Not guilty but it does seem very hypocritical of you" Michael explained, before turning to the crowd "And that goes for everybody." This elicited a growl from Blue Diamond. Michael didn't care. He knew he had this in the bag.

"I notice you're the ruder of the two." Yellow Zircon grumbled. "You and your brother brought Yellow Diamond to her knees before sparing her, Is that true?"

Robert shamefully nodded. "We spared her, yeah." He said.

"That's the thing, they SPARED her. If my clients are the villains that they are made out to be, would they not have shattered her when they had the chance?" Blue Zircon replied.

"We'd be no better than her." Robert said. Yellow Zircon grabbed his chin "News flash, You're not!" It said maliciously before letting go.

"Anyway, According to Holly Blue Agate, Michael poofed her and let three humans escape from the human Zoo." Yellow Zircon declared smugly.

"Actually, she poofed herself, and we let the three out because not only are they our family, which you took away from us, but they were planned to be executed in a month." Michael said.

"And where is your proof of this?" Blue Diamond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Recant your statement, or you'll be killed!" Blue Zircon whispered in his ear, keeping an eye on Blue Diamond.

"Nah, I got proof." He said, switching to the projector function on his Buster and showing surveillance footage of Michael and Holly Blue Agate's battle. It ended with Holly Blue attempting to zap Michael, but instead she zapped herself.

"How...did you manage to survive that?" Blue Zircon asked.

"Well, he was wearing rubber clothes, and since electricity doesn't conduct through rubber, it went back up the rope, therefore counteracting itself and electrocuting Holly." Robert lied. Michael leaned in "Nice job, I would've never came up with a lie like that" Michael whispered to him so quiet nobody could hear them. "How could we explain a magic pin to them?" Robert asked rhetorically.

"Does anyone else have something to say?" Yellow Zircon asked.

"I do." Yellow Diamond declared. "I believe these boys are innocent. They only made actions to protect those they hold dear to them, as any race should. They haven't really made any attack against Homeworld or its people. They only wish to protect their planet, and there is no harm in that." She explained. "They don't arrest any one of us for protecting Homeworld, why should we treat them any different."

Stunned silence for a while.

Blue Diamond pondered for a moment, and realized she was right. "Yes, it is true, they only wish to Protect their planet. Pink would have wanted the same thing...Speaking of which: Rose Quartz, you are on trial for the murder of Pink Diamond. How do you plead?" Blue Diamond asked, everyone turned their attention to Steven. He started sweating nervously.

"N-Not...Guilty" Steven gulped.

To be continued...

(A/N) I made this chapter a 2-parter because there two trials that need to be done.

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