Chapter 12: New Arrivals

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 Today is the day. Newt, Minho, Evan, Gyllen, and Gally are going into the Maze. The last group of five. Nothing but fear lives inside the boy's minds.

It's now been a month since you've been in the Glade. Things have been going well with Chris, you both have been discretely flirtatious. No one has stepped into the Maze. Silent fear acts as a barrier between you, the boys, and the Maze. You wake up to the 'lovely' sounds of the opening doors and head over to breakfast. You eat and laugh with the boys, then get to work on your steadily growing garden. Today is Chris's day to tend to the also growing number of animals so Alby is working with you in the garden. Nothing but the sound of animals and weeds being ripped from the ground can be heard. Your shirt is already half drenched in sweat.


Your heart leaps into your throat.


You glance around wildly, searching for the source of the mysteriously horrendous sound. The bangs shift into a ringing alarm. You and Alby run to meet Chris, panic filling your every move.

"What the shuck is going on!" Chris shouts over the deafening alarm.

"I have no clue!" You respond.

The three of you run off in different directions, searching for clues. You head to the doors. Chris runs to the stone building. Alby runs to the metal box.

"Hey! Look at this!" Alby shouts from the box.

You and Chris run over to meet him. The trap door is locked shut, but lights flash all around it as a metal grinding sound comes from within. The three of you exchange carry glances. You can see two possible explanations. Either someone is coming to get you out, or they're sending more of you. You're not sure that either is a good thing. So instead you hope that they're sending more food.

You wait for at least an hour before a loud metal clang sounds and the alarm shuts off. Shouts can be heard from within the box. You exchange another worried glance. Then all at once, you all bend over to open the trap door. Five scared boys looks up at you, frozen in fear. You almost laugh. They're all on the floor, you just interrupted a huge fight. The boys scramble to their feet, staring up at you with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Who the bloody hell are you!?" An accented boy asks pointedly.

You hop into the box and face the boy.

"My name is Y/n."

The boy looks at you curiously.

"Newt." He responds warily.

You smile.

"Oh and just like that we're all friends, hunky dory?" A tall Asian boy asks incredulously. "I still don't know who the..."

"Hey, we don't curse here." You announce, understanding where he was going with his sentence. "Just thought you'd like to know." You add with a sly grin.

"Fine." The boy says. "I don't know who the dilly dack frickety frack you all are."

 You look up at Chris and Alby. They're thinking the same thing as you. These guys are just like us. You look around at the group of guys. Most of them have bloody noses and bruises all over. Except for the Asian boy, he seems unscathed. They also look terrified, just like you once did. This is insane. Who would do this to a bunch of kids!?

"Let me guess, you guys don't remember anything." You ask.

The boys all look at you in shock.

"How the blubbery butt did you know that?" The Asian boy questions.

"We went through the same thing a month ago." You answer slowly.

The boy's eyes widen.

"What the flappy raccoon is going on here." The Asian boy questions.

"Well, there's a lot to explain." You say with a sigh. "Let's get you out of this box first."

Slowly, you explained everything you knew. You also got everyones names. Newt, the Asian boy is Minho, then there's Evan, Gally, and Gyllen. By the end of your explanation, half the boys are in tears, mainly for fear, and the heartbreak of loosing everything from their past life. To be fair, there's probably a better way to explain everything. Chris and Alby help you comfort Newt, Evan, and Gyllen. Meanwhile, Gally and Minho stare off into nothing, taking it all in slowly.

When you finally get the three boys calmed, the doors start to close. You wince. All five new boys eyes dart to the doors.

"Should we not leave?" Gally asks incredulously.

"No." You state. "Trust me, like I told you before, no one survives a night in the Maze."

"I'll try my luck." Minho states, jumping to his feet and making a dash for the doors.

"Minho NO!" You shout. The ferocity in your voice shocks even yourself.

Surprisingly Minho stops in his tracks. He turns to face you, and the expression on his face is heartbreaking. He knows you're right, and to him, that spells out his doom. You hang your head as the weight of the situation falls on you a-new. A warm hand is placed on your shoulder. You don't need to look to know who it is. Chris is always there for you. The now-eight of you trudge over to the Homestead and start assigning rooms, some boys have to double up for now. You bid the boys goodnight and head to your room. As you close your eyes to fall asleep, voices fill your ears. Minho and Newt are in the only room adjacent to yours. You listen in to their dialogue.

"I'm scared." Newt says

"Rightfully so if everything Y/n said is true." Minho responds.

"Do you think it is?"

"Do I think it's true? Definitely. When I ran toward the doors and she shouted at me, I could hear the fear in her voice, it was so pure, so strikingly real. No one could fake that. I'm certain there used to be more of them."

"You think someone died!?" Newt asks, more frightened than before

"I'm positive that someone died." Minho states.

"I'm gonna die." Newt whimpers. 

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