Chapter 36: Don't Hurt Her

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 At the end of the day, Newt wanders off to bed, thoughts of the New girl, Thomas, and Y/n fill his head. He throws himself onto his bed in his shared room with Minho and lets sleep take over him. Although sleep would bring him even more distress than the events of that day.

Newt finds himself in his room, in the darkest hours of the night. Yet it's strange. It's silent. He glances over to the adjacent bed and finds it devoid of a snoring Minho. The Glade is deathly quiet, not even the chirp of a cricket touched his ears. A chill shot down his spine as a floorboard outside his room groaned under the weight of a step. Something was moving out side his room. The person's soft steps barely made a sound, as if gliding across the wood floor. The person stopped where Newt would guess Y/n's room sat. Seconds later a scream pierced through the walls of Newt's room. Newt whipped open the door. He saw Y/n's door wide open. He burst into the room and there she stood. The new girl. She had a knife pressed to Y/n's neck. Y/n's eyes were filled with fear.

"Hello there." The new girl said, her voice shrill and inhuman. She put her mouth to Y/n's ear and and taunted, "Look, your hero is here to save you."

Y/n took in a sharp breath as the girl pressed the blade harder into neck. Newt couldn't think. There was nothing he could do.

"Don't worry little Newt. I'm not here for her." She hisses, pushing Y/n aside into the wall. "I'm here for you."

Newt's heart tightened with fear as he wondered what this maniac of a girl could want.

"Fine." He says, "You can have me. Just don't touch her."

The girl covers her heart with her hand and mocks a sweet face.

"Ohhh how romantic. Your boyfriend cares for you." The girl says, stroking the edge of Y/n's with the blunt end of the blade.

Newt's face burns red with hatred as he stares daggers at this monster of a girl.

"What do you want from me?" Newt seethes.

The girls face turns menacingly dark as if possessed by some sort of evil.

"I want you dead."

With one fluid motion she flings the knife right at Newt's chest. Yet he never feels the sharp pain of death. Is heart freezes as he realizes what happened before he even looks. Despair breaks him in two as he finds Y/n's bleeding body and the floor in front of him. No. Not her. Why her? How? Why? Please. Please no. This can't be happening.


Newt drops to his knees. Shakily he takes Y/n's face into his hands. Please. Please no. This can't be happening. Why? Why her?

Y/n's lips slowly curve into a smile as her darting eyes land on Newt. The innocence in her eyes, they way they shine as she slowly slips into deaths cold grasp tears at Newt's very soul. She doesn't shed a single tear as blood slowly trickles from her wound. Her shaky hand reaches up to his face. One phrase leaves her lips as she surrenders to deaths grasp.

"I love you."

 Newt jerks awake as grief stabs at his heart. He glances around the room and all seems to be normal. It was just a dream. Minho is snoring happily beside of him and the crickets are singing their song at full volume. Newt still can't get the image of Y/n's limp body lying in his arms. The way her beautiful eyes stared cold and dead into his soul. The way her lips hung agape to allow her final breath to pass through. His chest burns like someone had been sitting on it. His stomach is void of feeling. His fingers were numb. He has to see her. He has to know that she is ok.

Newt creeps from his bed, slowly opening the door. Carefully, he tip-toes down the wood hall, and slowly her turns the handle to her door. There she lies in the dark, her lovely face rested on a sad pillow. Even asleep she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. But to make her even more stunning, he can see her chest rising and falling to the rhythm of her breath. She's alive.

Now satisfied, Newt quietly sneaks back to bed. As he lays his head on his pillow, the image of her asleep infiltrates his mind once more; Her hair surrounding her head like a halo. A small smile resting peacefully on her lips. Her soft hand clutching the edge of the blanket to her chin. The shape of her legs curled up close to her body. Her chest rising and falling, breathing. He can't even begin to comprehend how beautiful she really is, nor can he comprehend how it would feel to actually loose her. He would protect her no matter the cost. If he lost her, then he looses everything. She, is his everything. And she doesn't have a clue.

The next morning Newt tried to go about things as if everything was fine and he didn't watch Y/n die in his dreams. But as he walks through the door to check on the new girl, all he can see is the menace on her face from his dream. Almost immediately the anger and hatred start to bubble up inside him once more. He forces himself to take a deep breath and see the peacefully sleeping girl before him as she truly is. Innocent.

After the checkup Newt exits the med-hut just in time to see Y/n and the other runners darting off into the Maze. His heart groans with fear as he watches Y/n disappear around the corner. He's always worried for her, but never like this. With each moment she's away a knot in his stomach tightens.

He pushes on. He forces himself through the work day, teaching Thomas everything there is to know about gardening. The job Y/n started. If only he could get her out his mind for one second. She's crowding every part of his thoughts. Yet he must continue to answer every single one of Thomas's thousand questions. Finally, after the millionth question Newt turns to Thomas with a genuine smile and a sigh,

"Tommy, instead of crowding my ears with all these questions how 'bout you go fetch some fertilizer?"

Thomas frowns but picks up a rancid bucket and looks expectantly at Newt. When Newt doesn't speak he asks,

"Where do I get the fertilizer?"

"It's in the woods." Zart answers with a chuckle. 

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