Chapter 51: Running to Freedom

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 With your face buried in the palms of you hands, you start to ask yourself how you got to this point. It's honestly a miracle you and Alby and the other boys made it this far. You were thrown into this Wicked world without any instructions or hope to survive. It's been over two years, and now you're given the opportunity to escape. That should be exhilarating and exiting, finally the hope of a normal life. Yet, you can't help the sadness that tugs at your heart over what you've lost and what you could loose. Leaving the Maze could mean many more losses, are you ready to handle that, and lead through it?

Someone gently places a hand on your shoulder pulling you away from your thoughts.

Slowly you open your eyes and lift your face to see Newt's gentle eyes as they glimmer under the warm light of a dull bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" He asks simply, awkwardly sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of you. His gaze remains focused on your face as his eyes stare deep into yours.

Your heart flutters as his hand reaches out to rest on yours where it lies on your knee. You sigh, then respond,

"I don't know really. I guess Alby was always kinda the rock the whole Glade was balanced on, and now... now he's different. I want to escape, but I know the price will be high. Nothing will ever be the same. We can hope for a normal life, but in reality what kind of normal life could we have? We've seem more death than any kid ever should. We had to grow up really fast as we watched our friends die right before our eyes. We learned to survive. We may not even make it out of the Maze."

You pause, eyes fixed on Newt. He means so much more to you than you ever realized. Alby may have been your best friend but Newt, Newt is something completely different. You saw it before, but never like right now as he sits before you, listening as you pour your heart out to him.

"Newt," You start, "I'm scared. Alby can't lead anymore, I told him I was taking over again. I don't know if I can lead thee guys through this. If they die, that's on me. I don't know if I can handle that kind of pressure. I don't know if I can handle that kind of guilt."

Newt nods thoughtfully. He stands up, taking you by the hand and pulling you up to face him. He cups your face gently in his hands and wipes the tears away from your face. He then takes you by the hands, looking into you eyes and says,

"We're all scared Y/n, but you don't have to lead alone. I'll be by your side no matter what. We're a team ok? No matter what, we do this together. We're going to escape the Maze and get these guys out together. You can count on me."

You smile up at his kind face as he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You rest your head on his shoulder as you melt into the safeness of his embrace. Standing with him you feel invincible. Together the two of you could take over the world. But first, you have to escape the Maze. 

 That night is even longer than the last. You sit, curled in a ball, next to Newt and Minho as you anxiously await the arrival of the Grievers to take another helpless victim. Guilt tugs at your heart as you wonder if it would've been better to leave earlier instead of waiting out another night of Grievers. One small ounce of hope stirs in your mind as you start to wonder if the Griever will even come, and if Gally was right.

Your hopes are quickly shattered by the sound of metal spikes grinding against cold stone. You grip Newt's hand tightly as your heart clutches inside your chest.

No one dares to breathe.

The Grievers rip apart the wood walls that served as your only protection. You glance around wildly to see where they're attacking from. A boy screams. Then they're gone, and the boy with them. You take a solemn roll call and find that it was Gabe who was taken. Winston bravely leaves to Homestead to scratch out his name. Sadly, that's the only funeral Gabe would have.

Before you know it, it's the next morning and you and the boys are lined up at the entrance of the Maze. The pounding of your heart shakes the rest of your body as nervous tingling spreads through your body. You, Minho, Newt, and Alby stand in front of the boys with Theresa and Thomas close by. This is it. This is the moment you have been waiting for over the past two years. This is how you escape the Maze.

As all the boys stare up at the four of you, Newt shifts uncomfortably beside you. They're all scared and all eyes are on Newt to say something encouraging.

Nudging Minho you whisper, "Say something encouraging, they're scared." Trying to take the pressure off of Newt.

Minho nods, then clears his throat awkwardly. Inwardly you will him to say something magnificent, something inspiring.

"Right." Minho steps forward, "Be careful, don't die."

You roll your eyes and Newt snorts beside you.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired."

A low chuckle passes across the crowd of boys, easing some of the tension in the air. Then, to your surprise, Thomas steps in front of the group.

"Thank you Minho for... that. Look, I know you're all scared. This is what you've all been waiting for. You've been treated like garbage and left for dead for too long! Now is our time to fight back. Now is our time to show those creators what we're made of. We're Gladers! Let's show up how strong we are! We're not going down without a fight!

Cheers erupt from the crowd of boys and you smile at Thomas proudly. He has quickly changed from an overly quizzical kid to a powerful ally and friend.

You lift your sword into the sky with a cheer.

"Let's go!" You shout, leading the way toward the cliff.

Behind you runs a crowd of cheering Gladers, hyped up on adrenaline. There's a slight bounce to your step as you run toward your freedom. Yet, fear still finds its home in the back of your mind as you imagine the horrors you're about to face. 

I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. Psalms 130:5 

A/N: Wow I haven't posted in forever! So sorry, I've been so busy with final exams! I hope you're all having a great quarantine! Check out the amazing cover Marina from Pinterest made for me!! I'm in dire need of more comments. Not for any sad reason, I'm just needy. You know how Tinkerbell would die if she wasn't given enough attention? Yeah I'm Tinkerbell and you guys are Peter Pan, so comment please! I love you guys!!

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