Chapter 22: What Happened?

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  "Y/n... Are you alright?" Alby asks slowly.

"Yeah, just fine." You respond a little too quickly.

Realization crosses Alby's face, "Your head..." He states.

"I'm fine." You repeat. "We need to help Newt."

"But Y/n..."

You cut Alby off, "We need to help Newt." You repeat sternly.

Alby nods, and the two of you walk over to Newt's bed.

"Y/n..." Newt starts.

"Newt. I'm fine." You respond softly.

Newt nods shakily. You and Alby position yourselves at the main break of Newt's leg and you look over to Gally.

"You ready?"

Gally shakes his head, "Not quite. It has to be done right to work." Gally explains. "Although I am almost done, you may want to tie him down though so he doesn't thrash around."

This shocks you. He's right. It's the smart thing to do, but it seems so cruel. You look up to Alby to see the same shock on his face. Although when his eyes meet yours, he shrugs. You and him both know that Gally is right. Slowly the two of you turn your heads to Newt.

"What are you two bloody peeing your pants over? Just do it." Newt says. Your eyes widen.

You do as he says, tying wrists to the edge of the bed. Alby then uses three belts to wrap around Newt and the bed, officially tying him securely to the bed. By the time the two of you are finished, Gally is ready with the cast.

"Ok Newt, here we go." You say, mostly for yourself.

You to Alby, "On the count of three we'll push his leg back into place." Alby nods. You can tell he is as nervous as you are.

"One." You swallow. "Two." You take a deep breath. "Three!"

All at once you move your hand, pushing against two sides of the same bone, forcing them to slide back together.

Newt screams in agony for a split second, before going completely silent, losing consciousness.

You use your free thumb to feel the edges of the bone, checking to make sure they were together before nodding to Gally to slide the cast on. Gally positions the cast and in one swift motion, you and Alby move your hands away as Gally pushes the cast into place.

You take a deep breath and look over at Newt's face, which oddly looks peaceful. Darkness covers the corners of your eyes as the pain in your skull makes the world seem as if it's on fire. Each sound is deafening loud, and every light burns your eyes. You're not sure how much more you can take.

"One more." Alby sighs.

Newt's ankle goes by much easier. You position his ankle in a natural position and Gally slides the brace into place.

Then your exhaustion and pain take over as you collapse into a dark heavy sleep.


 You're surrounded in darkness, that's all you can see, that's all you can feel. It's like your floating in a pool of black liquid. You're drowning, you can't get a breath as you sink deeper into this liquid sleep nightmare. Spiraling down and down and down, deeper and deeper. There's no end your never escape.

"Y/n... It's time to get up now sweetie." A soft woman's voice whispers.

Your decent freezes. You recognize that voice, yet you don't remember ever hearing it.

"You have so much more to do. You can't just sleep your life away." The voice adds sweetly.

You're dying. And whatever, or whoever this voice is, is desperately trying to save you.

"Come on Y/n. It's time to get up. People are counting on you. I'm counting on you."

You groan loudly.

"Ah, there's my baby girl. Come on now. Get up." The woman says.

You still can't see her, but you know she's smiling. The woman laughs, it's a beautiful sound, so enticing, so soothing, and somehow so familiar.

Slowly you start to ascend out of the darkness of your sleep. You see her. Thin, short brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Her round face smiling at you. Her deep brown eyes enchanting you with the wisdom they hold.

"I love you Y/n." She says sweetly. "Never forget that."

Then, you're awake. Just like that. The dull pang of loss tugs at your heart as an emptiness digs a hole inside you. That was your mother, and she's gone.

"Y/n. He's waking up." Alby's voice says softly.

You look over at his smiling face. His kind eyes and worried brow. He's kneeling beside your bed, one hand placed gently on your arm.

"Hey." You say with a sad smile.

"Hey. How ya feelin?" He responds softly.

You laugh quietly, "Not great, but better."

Alby chuckles, then gently helps you out of bed.

"Newt is waking up." He states, "I figured we may want to be there when he does."

"Good idea."

The two of you enter Newt and Minho's room where Newt is shifting awake and Minho is snoring loudly. You roll your eyes at Minho as you take a seat in a small wooden chair by Newt's bed. Carefully, you place your hand atop his. He freezes immediately, calmed by your touch. Slowly, his eyes peel open.

"Hey, Newt." You say with a sweet smile.

Newt starts to smile, but his lips quickly curve into a wince as the pain in his leg flares up. You hand you a fresh glass of water and two pain killers which he takes gratefully.

"What happened to me?" Newt asks incredulously, "The last thing I know is you guys about to push my leg back into place, then this!"

"Well... We pushed your leg back into place, but you passed out instantly from the pain." You answer with a tinge of guilt. Then you ask the question,

"What did you do, Newt?" 

A/n: Ok guys. Thank you all so much for reading! I love you all so much! I hope you're enjoying my series! If you are, please please please comment and vote!! It means so much to me to see your comments and votes, it truly makes my day and inspires me to write more!! 

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