Chapter 31: New Leadership

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(Time skip about a week after Chapter 30)

 "What!? No. No, I can't let you do this." Alby says forcefully.

"Alby it's not your choice." You plead. You look deep into his eyes which are filled with worry.

"You can't just step down from leader Y/n! They need you, we need you to lead."

You shake your head, "I can't lead them anymore Alby! I'm in the Maze all the time, I'm never here and you are a far better leader than me."

It's true. When you were healing from Gally's attack Alby took charge and the Glade flourished. Under Alby's leadership the boys were more productive, more obedient, and happier. Everything ran so smooth, it was much better than when you were in charge.

Alby shakes his head, "No way. You've been our leader for so long, you've gotten us this far. We can't survive without you."

You smile at the sentiment, "Let me come to the Gatherings then. And if you ever want advise or anything I'll still be here. You are a better leader than me, I want you to lead."

Alby sighs, "I can't do this alone."

"Then pick someone you trust to be your partner.."

"You" Alby interrupts, "I choose you."

You shake your head again, "Someone else, someone who stays in the Glade more."

"Fine, Newt then."

You curl your brow, "Are you sure? Is he stable enough for that?"

Alby nods, "Of course he is. It's been months since his incident and besides you I wouldn't trust anyone else. He's able to control the Gladers, spread calm and peace. He's a natural leader... just like you."

"Well it's settled then," You say with a smile, "You and Newt will lead."

Alby looks at you with sadness.

"I wish you would keep leading."

"I know Alby. It'll be better this way though."

Alby thinks for a moment, then speaks,

"Is it because of what Gabe said?"

You shake your head. It may be the root of the reason, but not the whole reason. Gabe flat out told you the the Glade ran much smoother when Alby was in charge. He also said you suck and you're a crappy leader and person as well as other mean things. The hatefulness isn't what bothered you though, it was the truth behind the words. The Glade DID run so much smoother when Ably took control.

Soon you started to notice that most boys didn't even realize you were the leader. Once you were in the Maze Alby would put all of your rules into place and enforce them. He's pretty much been in charge this whole time, it's just official now.

Later that night you and Alby announce the news and Alby formally asks Newt to become second in command. You walk back to your room with a sense of relief, knowing that the fate of the Glade is no longer solely in your hands. Alby ensured that you would still have a say in everything, but you're no longer in charge. It's freeing. 

 The next morning after the announcement of the change of leadership, you wake up early as usual to run the Maze. Minho and two other runners meet you at the kitchen for a quick bite before work starts.

"That was bold of you to give up your power like that." Minho says through a mouthful of Fry Pan's breakfast.

You find yourself laughing at the blatantness of the comment.

"How's that Minho?" You ask between laughs.

"I dunno, I mean you had the power to do whatever you wanted to the Glade, you could have made us all your personal slaves. But you gave up the power for the betterment of the Glade."

Now you're dying laughing.

"And That Minho, is why you're not the new leader."

You run the Maze as usual and return before the sun starts to set. The Glade is bustling with happy Galders having just finished their jobs. As you walk past a group of builders you catch a few words of their conversation.

"It's crazy that she stepped down as leader!" One says.

"I didn't even know she was our leader! I always thought it was Alby." The other responds.

You sigh walking faster as your heart begins to sink. You were right, none of them even cared that you were the leader. They didn't even know.

Even though you had already guessed that much, it pains you to see it confirmed so un-apologetically. You pick back up your head and attempt to push away the sadness. This is what you wanted. It'll be better for the Glade.

You've almost made it to the kitchen when Newt runs straight into you, sending the both of you stumbling to the ground.

"Oh shoot! Sorry!" Newt yells before actually seeing who you are. He takes one look at you and his face changes completely. First he's even more apologetic, but then he's angry, and then concerned, all in the course of about three seconds.

"Why would you give up your position as our leader?" Newt asks immediately.

You're caught off guard until you remember that you never got a chance to actually talk to Newt about it.

"It's what's best for the Glade." You answer simply.

Newt squints his eyes at you slightly, "You don't really believe that."

"Yeah, actually I do, Newt. Alby is a far better leader than me. When he's in charge things get done, people obey, and everyone is happier." You pause, "Besides, no one really knew I was leader in the first place."

You didn't intend for him to hear that, but his face softens and you instantly know you failed. Almost without though he laces his hand on top of yours.

"What makes you say that?" He asks gently.

You shake your head, "It's nothing, really. Don't worry about it. Things will be better this way." 

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