Chapter 13: WICKED

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 The next morning, all 7 boys and you start to unload the box. In the midst of boxes and crates, you find a solitary note. Slowly you unfold it, your hands trembling with anticipation and fear. The note reads, We've included a few extra boxes in this weeks shipment to provide for the untimely lost lives. In them you'll find tools to clean the remains. You may request specific items by placing a note in the cage, we will then consider your request. -WICKED.

Anger boils up inside of you. "Untimely lost lives... clean the remains." Whoever wicked is, truly is wicked. There's no "I'm sorry for your loss." No sympathy. Not even an explanation to why you're there and what the shuck is going on. Whoever created this place is had better run and hide by the time you get out of here. One word strikes you strangely, WICKED. It seems so familiar. You glance around at all the commotion around you and it's like your eyes have been opened for the first time. Each box, each crate, even the box all have word word written all over it, WICKED. Your head starts to spin, whoever, or what ever wicked is, is the reason you're here. This could be a clue and a clue means hope.

"Guys!" You shout. "Come look at this."

The boys all gather around you and read the note silently. You hear Newt murmur behind you,

"Someone did die..."

You close your eyes. Poor Newt is terrified.

"What the pickled pony is Wicked?" Minho asks.

You roll your eyes. "You know you don't have to make up silly things like that."

"You said no cursing." Minho responds pointedly.

"True, but we've already come up with replacements... like shuck." You explain with a laugh.

"You mean you've let me run around sounding stupid all this time." Minho grunts.

"You did that to yourself." You add.

Minho folds his arms across his chest.

"Who cares about that." Gally says, "We need to think up some requests, stuff to help us get out of here."

You look at Alby, it isn't a bad idea.

"Alright." You start, "We'll split up, some of you talk thorough requests, some of you finish unloading the box, and the rest of us will tend to the other jobs." You declare.

You scan the faces of the boys, wonder what's the best way to divide them up. You decide to have one of the 'original three' uncharge of each job, as sort of a keeper of the peace.

"Okay, Chris, you over look the rest of the boxes and crates, Gyllen and Minho you help him with that. Alby, you oversee the note to the creators of this place. Gally you can work with Alby. Newt you're with me, we're going to tend to the garden."

Newt seems relieved and you smile to yourself. The boy is scared to death, so you wanted to give him a more peaceful job. You walk Newt over to the Garden and show him around, explaining how the system works. Newt takes to the job quickly, expertly pulling roots and finding ripe harvests. He's smiling as he's working, that's your favorite part, he hasn't smiled since he's arrived. He really has a nice smile. The two of you work silently until your stomach growls loudly, then you both head to the kitchen to get started on lunch.

 "What are we gonna make?" Newt asks looking into the newly re-stocked kitchen. "Hmmm. My usual is grilled cheese, although some new ideas would be welcomed with open arms." You respond with a chuckle.

Newt thinks for a moment. "I have a solution." He says with a grin.


"It involves fire."

"Okay, maybe not." You respond

"Oh come on, you don't even know what it is." Newt frowns.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed but we don't even have fire." You state.

Newt frowns again, "Oh yeah. We can make fire can't we?"

"How about this, until you figure out how to make fire, we make grilled cheese." You negotiate with a wide smile on your face. This kid is nuts.

"Fine, shake on it?" Newt suggests with a sly grin.

"I'm going to regret this later." You shake your head as you offer your hand to Newt.

He grasps your hand tight and shakes. Your eyes meet his and once again the motion and sounds around you all fade to a slow stop as time freezes in place. It's like that time with Chris, while at the same time completely different. A soft prickling feeling trickles up your arm slowly and suddenly you begin to feel hot. You clear your throat and turn around to grab the bog of bread provided by the Creators. What was that? You wonder. Why does this keep happening? All of a sudden you're no longer in the Glade. You're in a white room, facing a familiar looking boy. You're angry, he looks hurt. The memory slips away from your mind as fast is it came. You reach out mentally, straining to grasp a glimpse of your past life. The memory is gone. Somehow you feel more empty than you have before. The memory teased you, waving it in your face that your old life is gone. A hole opens up inside of you, engulfing your joy. A warm hand is placed on your shoulder. You turn around expecting Chris's smiling face, there to encourage you and help you feel better. It's not Chris.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Newt asks.

You nod slowly. He doesn't need to know your troubles, he's got enough of his own.

"Y/n." He says more firmly. "What's wrong?" He asks again.

"I... I don't know. I'm fine, really." You say, waving him off.

He lifts your chin with his finger, forcing you to look up at him. You realize how tall he is. You're tall but he's definitely taller.

"What's wrong." He repeats.

You can see the concern in his eyes. This guy barely knows you, but somehow it seems as if he cares more about you than anything else. You like that. You like that he cares.

"I had a glimpse of a memory, it went away as fast as it came. I don't even know what it was, but somehow now I feel worse than I did before. I feel empty. Like I've always known I couldn't remember anything, but now it's real, I saw something from my old life. Now I see why these creators take away our memories, it's just cruel throwing us in here when we have something to miss. We're clean slates." You don't know why you're telling him all this, the words just fall out of your mouth as you stare at the wall blankly. 

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