Chapter 29: Anger Issues

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 One name pops into your head as you burst through the kitchen door. Almost immediately your suspicions are proven true. It's Gally, trying to beat the clunk out of Fry Pan who is cowering on top of the fridge.

"Gally stop." You shout forcefully.

He instantly whips around to face you with blazing eyes. Yet when his his meet yours, his whole demeanor changes from raging bull to apologetic bunny.

"Sorry Y/n." He mutters, "I don't know what got in to me."

"Why Gally? What happened?" You ask with a sigh.

Gally shrugs, "I dunno. I just wanted to fight someone."

You close your eyes before you can roll them.

"For no reason?" You ask incredulously.

Gally shrugs again, head held low.

"Gally, this isn't the first time this has happened. What's going on?"

The boy shakes his head, defeated.

"I just don't know."

You sigh, taking Gally by the wrist leading him once more to the slammer. You've almost reached the door when Gally digs his heals into the ground.

"Gally, What now—"

Gally's fist slams into your face your body following the momentum to the ground.

Your ears are ringing and your hear is pounding as you slowly roll over on the cold grass. Gally stands above you with a nasty look on his face.

"You're not putting me back in there." He snarls.

Pain erupts in your side as Gally kicks you in the gut again and again. You struggle to get to your feet to strike back as he keeps kicking you back down. You finally gain some traction, standing tall on your wobbly feet. You shove Gally back as hard as you can causing him to stumble backward. Rage flares up in Gally's eyes once more as does the same, taking you by the shoulders and shoving you violently backward. You become suddenly aware of the tree behind you as your head slams into the solid wood. You fall to the ground in a heap of limbs, your nose buried in the dirt.

You hear yells around you as you slowly push yourself up on shaky arms. Boys are running all about, trying to get Gally under control. Using the tree for support, you stand to your feet, ignoring the dizziness that's spinning your world. As you remove your hand from the tree you notice blood on the tips of your fingers. Just as Newt and Alby tackle Gally to the ground you see the blood on the tree, realizing it came from your head.

You hear Minho's voice from behind you, "Y/n! You alright?"

You turn slowly to him and try to nod, "Yeah, I think so."

Minho looks at you with a worried brow,

"Really? Cause it looks like your about to pass out!"

"yeah... You may want to catch me..." You utter wispily as your strength escapes you and you fall through the air.

 As expected you fall right into Minho's arms. You see Minho's worried face above yours as you fight to hold on to consciousness. Minho sets you down gently onto the cool grass and you're immediately surrounded by concerned Gladers. Murmurs leave the lips of the surrounding boys, asking absurd questions.

"Is she going to die?"

"No way man, she's a legend she can survive anything!"

"Are they going to Banish Gally?"

"How would they do that?"

"Send him out to the Maze at night, let the Grievers have 'im. He deserves it."

"Is she going to stop being our leader?"

"She's the best leader we could ever have, our whole community would fall apart without her."

"Are you two nuts? She's the worst! I've been here three months and we still haven't escaped! She's a no good leader. She's better off dead."


Your eyes follow the loud cry to see Newt's enraged face,

"No one is dying and no one is getting banished, so mind your own bloody business and bug off!"

You remain on the grass, feeling nauseous as the boys all exchange embarrassed looks. Someone from the crowd hands you a glass of water which you take graciously. With one sip you already feel better, your mind more clear. You finish the glass of water within seconds and Fry crouches in front of you with a smile and another glass of water.

"How you doin' Y/n?" He asks.

You nod slowly, "Better now."

"Did you guys just forget we existed?" Questions an exasperated Clint, followed closely by Jeff. "Finally there's a medical emergency and you guys don't think to call us."

You let out a little chuckle which is met by the laughs of Newt, Minho, and Fry.

"Sorry mate, we just figured we could handle this one." Newt answers, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Jeff adds with a laugh, "But seriously Y/n, are you alright?"

You nod, "Thank Jeff, I'll be alright, I just want to know what to do about Gally."

Jeff nods solemnly, "Yeah, I don't know what to tell you about that. I'm not sure what else we can do for these violent outbursts. And our number one rule is that you are to never hurt another Glader."

"Sounds like grounds for banishment to me." Clint adds.

You sigh looking to the faces of Newt and Minho for guidance.

Minho shrugs, "I say let the dude fight, on civil terms ya know? Like once a moth have a fight circle. Let him ease his urge to fight while keeping our best builder."

Your eyes widen in shock and you look to Newt, who looks strangely agreeable.

"I think he's right," Newt says, "That could work." 

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