Chapter 25: All I Know

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"My papa can get them."

"What? That's crazy!" Terra exclaimed.

"There's no other option." Baelfire protested.

"He's The Dark One!" Abel countered.

"But he's not trying to kill half the universe! And besides, he's probably thinking that he lost me too!"

"Well, how do we even know that he's alive?" Pharrell asked. "He might be gone as well."

"The dagger keeps him from dying, so he must have blocked it somehow." Terra informed.

"Y'know what?" Steve said. "I'm gonna have to go with the boy on this one. If there's a small chance we can get them back, I'll take it."

"You don't even know Rumplestiltskin!"

"Of course I don't, but seeing as Thanos is dead, and we have only one option of getting our friends back, let's try."

Natasha nodded, agreeing with him.

Terra sighed. "If he's alive, I guess we can try. But Baelfire, you need to be there for him, so he doesn't hurt anyone. Ok?"

Bae grinned and they set off to go to the Forest.

Back at HQ, Pepper got the call from Rhodey that they were going to go to Rumplestiltskin.

"Seriously?" Tony was astonished. "After all the bad things Terra told me about this guy, they're trying to get help from him? And all I'm doing is sitting here, perfectly fine, waiting for them to get back!"

Pepper sighed. "Tony, you've got to calm down. You're always so angry, and fighting the people who should be your friends."

"Angry? All I know is that I'm trying to do what's right. Meanwhile, these guys are getting a master of evil to try to get everyone back, but they'll just make everything worse."

"What are you saying?" Pepper asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm saying that I need to go stop them. I'll do the world a favor that way."

"Tony, no." Pepper insisted. "You're gonna get yourself hurt."

"I'm fine, Pepper." Tony replied while going downstairs to get into his suit. "Don't worry about me, worry about you."

He made his way downstairs, got into the Iron Man suit, and flew out of the house, with Pepper staying at the house, shocked.

A little while later, the team flew back down to Earth and were greeted by Tony Stark, looking like he was ready to fight.

"Hey, look. It's Tony." Rocket acknowledged.

"Something tells me he's not happy." Rhodey said quietly.

They landed, and stepped out. Steve walked over to Tony and held up his shield.

"Tony, stand down."

"No, you stand down!" Tony shouted. "You don't know what you're doing."

"Yes, we do." Terra stepped forward, grimacing.

"Of all the things you're doing, you're going to an evil person to try to reverse what Thanos did. We lost. Give up."

"No way." Rhodey replied.

"If there's any way to get half of the world back, we'll take the chance." Steve explained.

"Bad idea. He'll trick you."

"That's where you're wrong. We've got his son, and he'll do anything for him." Ven said, determined. "Don't do this."

"I'm sorry, but I have to. I have to stop you."

He raised his hand, and charged up, ready to fire.

"Everybody in the ship!" Terra ordered.

They all ran in, and Tony fired. Luckily, Captain America was ready with his shield.

"Go. I'll handle this." Terra nodded as they continued to fight.

"Alright, gather around, everyone! This is gonna be crazy!"

The crew got together in a circle, and just when Tony fired at the ship, they were gone.

Terra had teleported everyone to the mountain at the Keyblade Graveyard where the portal to the Forest was.

"Ok, I think we're good." Terra announced.

"How did you do that?" Thor asked, shocked.

"I have teleporting powers." Terra replied, smiling.

"I can't even do that. But, I have Mjolnir. You don't. I'm still better."

"Well, if you're so good, then why don't you go in and help us persuade Rumplestiltskin to get the stones?"

Rocket snorted. "He's not gonna do it."

"What? I'm not scared of a mere mortal."

"He's immortal." Pharrell informed, smirking.

Thor's eyes widened. "Oh."

"We would like your help, though. Especially me. That would be so cool." Ven said excitedly.

Thor sighed hesitantly, then said, "Fine."

"Well, if he's going, then I'm going." Rocket said, willfully. "Count me in!"

"I would enjoy reversing the evil my father has done." Nebula agreed.

"Alright, great." Terra grinned. "Now, who's gonna stay back? And guard the place?"

"I will." Rhodey volunteered.

"Me too." Natasha chimed in. "You can stay on your own."

"Agreed. Bruce?"

The doctor looked down, worried. "I guess when you get everything back, I'll need The Hulk to snap, because we can't trust The Dark One completely. So I'll go."

"What about us?" Ven asked eagerly.

"You should stay back." Abel suggested. "We don't want you getting hurt."

"Oh, c'mon!" Ven protested. "I have my keyblade! Besides, Bae needs me to help him if anything happens. And I'll be fighting for Georgie. And so will Bill. Right, Bill?"

"If y-you go, I-I-I go." He stuttered.

Abel looked at Terra desperately. "They're kids. This is dangerous."

Terra sighed. "We don't have time to argue. Fine, you guys can go. You two, keep an eye out. Everyone else, let's go."

Pharrell turned to Abel. "For G."

Abel nodded. "For G."

They stepped into the portal, and were shocked.

"So this is what another realm looks like." Ven said, surprised.


"Welcome to my home." Baelfire announced.

"Alright, are you ready?"

Everyone nodded.

"Ok. Papa!!" He shouted as loud as he could. "Where are you?!"

Just a few moments later, he appeared. Rumplestiltskin, The Dark One.

"Bae..." He muttered under his breath.

"Hi, papa." Baelfire said. "We need your help."

957 words.

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