chapter 7

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Ok so here is a lil answer key I guess you could call it
A- Anthony reeves
Jay- Jason waud
J- Joe waud
C- chase Hudson
P- payton moorimier
T- Tyler Pauley [sorry but he's hot]

A car pulls up...

And a guy walks up to Anthony and they do their handshake and then Anthony sees me getting impatient cuz you wanted to skateboard

A- oh this is y/n
Y/n- hi
T- Tyler *winks and smirks*
We shake hands


P- yea boiiii

C- go best friend

You start to skateboard and you do a couple tricks and then payton tried to do the tricks that I did but he couldn't do some... You got tired so you went to get a wauder (haha see what I did there) but you forgot to pack some

Y/n- shit

A- what's wrong

Y/n- I forgot to pack water

A- I can take you to get water and a snack if you want

Y/n- ok sure
You start walking to his car and you open the door and Tyler was in the front seat

Y/n- in the back
T- nah
Y/n- yes I have to go
T- technically you don't have to go
Y/n- ughh
A- hey guess what
Y/n- what
A- both of you are in the back... There problem solved

you guys were in the back in complete silence and knowing Anthony he goes fast around turns and we took a sharp turn and you leaned on Tyler

Y/n- I'm sorry

T- hey don't worry bout it

Then Anthony he's to another sharp turn and your basically on his lap

Y/n- ANTHONY! Go around the turns slower

A- chill y/n ok

T- I'll think about it

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