Chapter 44

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You went downstairs....

You went to the kitchen and got something to eat and someone wrap their arms around you. You turn around and it's joe.

Y/n- hey

Joe- hey babe

Y/n- you didn't wake me up

Joe- because you looked peaceful and comfortable

Y/n- did you meet my sister

Joe- yea well I didn't talk to her

Y/n- well imma ask her if she wants to watch a movie do you wanna watch with us if she says yes

Joe- sure

Y/n- did you eat

Joe- yes I got take out

Y/n- that's not good for you

Joe- yea I know

Y/n- wanna workout tomorrow cause I know we haven't worked out in awhile

Joe- love to

Y/n- ok

You sit at the table and ate your f/f  and joe follows you.

Joe- kailee is different

Y/n- how so

Joe- I don't know but she's acting different

Y/n- well I haven't really talked to her

Joe- well I haven't really hung out with her before but she just isn't right

Y/n- I'll ask tiff

Joe- don't be suspicious

Y/n- yea I know.

Joe- wanna go swim

Y/n- sure

We go change and that gave me a chance to check on tiff

Y/n- hey

Tiff- hey

Y/n- wyd

Tiff- FaceTiming some friends

Y/n- hmm cool well I'm gonna swim do you want to join

Tiff- nah you go have fun

Y/n- ok

You change and get your towel and meet joe in the backyard waiting on joe.

Joe- ayeeeeeeee

Y/n- hi babe

Joe- is it cold

Y/n- haven't checked

You put your toe in and it was room temperature. You were half way turned towards joe and he runs at you and pushes you in the pool and he goes in with you. You reach the surface to get fresh air.

Y/n- JOEEEEE!!!!!

Joe- yes?

Y/n- your mean

You turn around and cross your arms. Few seconds later you feel his arms around you.

Y/n- stop I'm suppose to be mad at you

Joe- awe you can't be mad at me forever tho

Y/n- wanna bet

Joe- bet

Joe goes to once side of the pool and you stay on the other. You guys stare at each other.

Y/n- 💭 I'm not breaking first

Joe- 💭 she's gonna want me soon

We sat there for about 3 minutes now and joe swam over to y/n.

Y/n- who won?

Joe- you did....

Y/n- I'm hard to break

Joe- I can tell Haha

We were in the pool for awhile then I decided to check up on tiff. I walked up to my room and I open the door and tiff.....

Yea I know it's short but I needed a cliffhanger.... but if I were to write another story what should it be about and like what should it be period. Like I like writing this one but this one is about to be finished so if you have ANY ideas please comment or message me.... and does anyone want me to read any of there books I would love to read them since I'm on quarantine.... love y'all

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