The boys came back from eating and having their food settle, Payton jumps in and hugs Avani and Anthony sits at the edge of the pool while I'm in the pool
Ant- I swear your adorable
Y/n- nahhhhhh if anything your the cute one
Ant- oh please when I first saw you I thought you are the prettiest girl in the world
Y/n- please there's a lot of other girls prettier than me
Ant- not to me your the one I love
Y/n- 😊
After another couple hours we get home and showers in our own bathrooms now the old bathroom turned into two different rooms one for the girls and one for the guys
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Your bathroom
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The girls hangout room
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And here's the guys room
The girls hang out for a bit and so did the guys in the hangout rooms
We were just watching movies then Tyler came in
T- hey guys
Avani- hi
T- can I talk to y/n really quick
Y/n- umm yea sure
You go into the hallway
T- so umm I need a favor
Y/n- umm no
T- hmm I think you owe me one
Y/n- since when
T- the first day we went in the car
Shit you totally forgot about that
Y/n- oh umm what's the favor
T- well...
Y/n- what
T- I need you to be my fake girlfriend to make my ex girlfriend jealous
You just stood there in shock and didn't know what to say
T- me, you and Anthony can discuss this tonight
Y/n- ok
T- hey thank you
Y/n- no problem
You go back in
Avani- what did he want
Y/n- just had to ask me a question about how to vlog and stuff
Kailee- oh
Y/n- what do you think we talked about
Kailee- something more interesting than that
Avani- oh god
Y/n- oh shut up
You sit back down and text Anthony
~text convo~
Y/n- we gotta talk tonight
Baby ant💞- what about?
Y/n- you'll see
Baby ant💞- you're scaring me
Y/n- don't worry to much babe
Baby ant💞- ight babe see you later
~end of conversation~
After a the movie was over I got really bored and it's about 7 so I decided to get in the hot tub it was actually relaxing until....
Sorry for a short chapter I wanted to post and have a cliffhanger but I hope you guys liked it make sure to vote and comment what you want in the next chapter love y'all💞