Chapter 21

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Pay- will you help me get with her

Ant- yea

Pay- that's bro

Ant- well it's yo funeral

Pay- ight

We go home and we see Jaden and Avani sitting on the couch watching a movie then y/n and chase walk in laughing

Y/n- yo that was killer

Chase- yea it was

Then we met eyes and hold eye contact for a couple seconds

Y/n- umm does anyone know where Kailee is

Pay- no everyone has been out today I guess everyone needed a "me day"

Y/n- I'll text her

I make my way up the stairs and someone is following behind me not really paying attention and go to my room and I shut the door after they come in

Y/n- ok so Kailee is at a party let's just hope she doesn't get fucked up

Ant- yea let's hope

A very familiar voice so I look up from my phone

Y/n- Jesus Christ I thought you were chase

Ant- nah

Y/n- then get out

Ant- nah we need to talk

Y/n- no we don't

I try to walk away to go to my closet but I felt Anthony grab my waist and pull me toward him

Y/n- ant we have nothing to talk about

Ant- yes we do y/n

Y/n- really what about exactly... you cheated on me with Avani

Ant- see that's the thing you never listen to anyone's side you only go off of what you see or hear half of the time

Y/n- oh really

Ant- yea

Y/n- make it quick I have to go take a bath

He tells me everything and I really don't believe it

Y/n- got proof

Ant- wtf y/n you really don't believe me?!?

Y/n- I don't know it's hard to trust people these days

Then chase knocked on the door

Y/n- come in

Chase- I think I have some proof

Y/n- wtf do you mean

Chase- here

I'm sorry this one is short and I needed a cliffhanger sooooo I hope y'all enjoyed it.... make sure to comment and vote if you want more and comment some ideas I love y'all hope y'all had a good day❤️

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