You just walked out with tears running down your face and went to your room for the rest of the evening crying... you texted Kailee to get some food for you and she said she would get it
Then you hear a knock on the door thinking it was Kailee but you open the door to reveal Anthony you try to shut the door but he stops it with his foot
Y/n- I don't want to talk to you
Ant- ok but you can listen tho
Y/n- Anthony j don't even want to hear your voice right now... you literally cheated on me with Avani
Ant- no I didn't let me explain
Y/n- yea I don't thi-
Kailee- is there something wrong y/n?
Y/n- nope he was just leaving
Ant- yea see ya y/n
He walks out and Kailee cane in with a whole bunch of stuff
Kailee- we having a girls night to get your mind off of him ok
Y/n- yea well it's kinda hard to when he lives in the same house as you
Kailee- ight well then let's go to a party
Y/n- I don't know
Kailee- oh come on I was ditching it to help you and I think you need out of the house I mean that's what I think
Y/n- when does it start
Kailee- about an hour
Y/n- I'll let you know
Kailee- ok well of you need anything I'll be in my room but I'll check on you in a few
Y/n- ight
She leaves and you immediately jump out of bed and looked in your closet for party clothes and after a couple outfits I pick this
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And you leave your hair half up half down with a lil wave then you did ya makeup then Kailee walks in
Kailee- hey wanna get something to ea- damn you hot girl
Y/n- hurry up and get dressed we gonna party
Kailee- don't have to tell me twice
She ran to her room and got dressed in like 15 minutes
Kailee- ok lets go
Y/n- ok
We walk downstairs and all eyes on us when we walked down the stairs got dirty looks from Avani
Chase h- where are you going buddy
Y/n- girls night out when I get back we can have a girls night
Chase- ok 😊
Griff- y'all going to a party
Av- probably cuz that's what hoes do
Kailee looked at me and put her arm in front of me with the look "don't do it"
So I just brushed it off
Jaden- yo can we go
Kailee- sorry it's a girls night maybe next time
Joe- byyyeeeee guyyyyssss
Tyler- have fun y'all
We go outside and get into our Uber and we go there but on the way there
Kailee- some rules ok
Y/n- ok
Kailee- 1. We come here together, we leave here together 2. I'll be the dd because your gonna get fucked up tonight 3. Always stay close to me
Y/n- ok got it
Kailee- I mean it
Y/n- ok
We get there and walk in and I see a lot of people kissing and drinking so Kailee and I get drinks and drink that one down and I get another one and walk around Kailee follows ofc and see people skinny dipping
Kailee- don't even think about it y/n!
Y/n- fine
We walk around and we start to dance and you start drinking more and sooner or later you got shitfaced in a half an hour and you and Kailee are dancing like no one is watching them two guys walked up to me and Kailee and started dancing with us ngl they were cute so you couldn't complain and you guys got to know who they were but sooner or later it was around 2 in the morning
Kailee- hey wanna go home now
Y/n- only if drew can come
Kailee- yes now let's go
Y/n- yeaaaaaaa
Drew- she's fucked up
Kailee- yep
We finally get to the Uber and get home and walk inside and everyone is awake
Chase- how was the party
Kailee- let's just say she's very hard to control when she's drunk
Y/n- yo that party was lit
Tyler- ight well you should go to bed
Y/n- fuck sleep let's party
Griff- let's trick her
Jay- how tf are we gonna do that
Joe- I mean we could use a Capri sun
Av- you guys are stupid she can fend for herself
Ant- yo chill out
Chaser- I could help get her in bed
Pay- yooo let's take a minute and ask something.... who tf is the dude
Drew- oh I'm drew sorry i didn't introduce myself
Pay- you better not do anything stupid bro
Drew- nah i was only gonna stay til she fell asleep
Kailee- ight lets get her to bed
Ant- I'll get the Capri sun
Y/n- is there alcohol in it
Ant- ofc
Y/n- bring that shit here broooooo
Everyone laughs
Anthony runs up the stairs with the Capri sun and you run after it tripping up the stairs
Kailee- Jesus Christ this is gonna be one hell of a hangover but drew if you want to go home you can she gonna fall asleep real quick
Drew- ight bye guys it was nice to meet y'all
He leaves
Kailee- I'm going to bed good night guys
Everyone says night
Meanwhile with y/n and ant
Ant- here
Y/n- *takes drink* holy shit that is wow
Ant- *laughs* ight goodnight see ya tomorrow babygirl
Y/n- night
He turns the light off and you go to sleep but then...