Chapter 35

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Then we hear....

A knock at the door

Avani- are you guys ok

Y/n- yea Anthony is fine no go away

Avani- ok just checking up on him

She goes away and I start to walk out the door but Anthony grabs my arm and looks into my eyes

Ant- thank you y/n

Y/n- don't worry about it

You walk out and go to your hotel room and lay down on your bed and then you get a phone call from an unknown number. You didn't answer it so then you got a shower. After you were done you checked your phone and seen 16 missed calls from the unknown number. So you called it.

Y/n- hello?

??- hello y/n?

Y/n- yea?

??- it's tiff
(Tiffany is your lil sister)

Y/n- omfg how are you? Are you ok? Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?

Tiff- no but something happened to mom

Y/n- what happened to her

Tiff- well umm


Tiff- someone jumped her and they nearly killed her

Y/n- is she ok?!?

Tiff- she in the hospital

Y/n- I'll be there so-

Tiff- no you're on your just stay ok

Y/n- no I'm go-

Tiff- it's ok Kailee is here with me

Y/n- is that how you got my number

Tiff- maybe

Y/n- when did you get a phone

Tiff- A week ago

Y/n- oh well I got to go I'll text you later ok

Tiff- no love you bye

Y/n- love you too

You say on the floor and started crying. My mom has treated me like shit but she still carried me for 9 months I still have respect and love for her. I really hope she is ok. And I hope tiff is doing ok with this.

Y/n- 💭 I don't want to come out of here

You heard a knock on the door

Y/n- yea?

You tried hiding your shaking voice

Ant- you ok?

Y/n- yea why

Ant- you have a shaky voice

Y/n- oh I just seen a sad post

Ant- oh well if it's so sad send it to me

Y/n- ok

Ant- ight seen you when you get out of the bathroom

Y/n- ok

You immediately look up sad post on instagram it took you a minute to find one but you found it and you sent it to Anthony.

You got out and no one was in the hotel so started to ft Kailee.

Kailee- hey girl

Y/n- how's my mom

Kailee- she's hanging in there she's in a coma

Y/n- *starts tearing up* wow umm what actually happened

Kailee- she went to the store to get the usual and when she was doing the deal they jumped her

Y/n- wow and I thought since I was gone she would stop

Kailee- well she didn't she actually got worst

Y/n- do you know why

Kailee- not trying to get you in a bad mental state

Y/n- it's me isn't it

Kailee shook her head

Y/n- why

Kailee- because you left

Y/n- well I had to. She treated me like shit. She knocks down every once of confidence I've ever had. I can't even have a true conversation around anyone not even my fans Kailee!

Kailee- so you're blaming this on her than yourself


Kailee- I'm sorry y/n

Y/n- look I can't —

Then the boys walk in

Pay- hey y/n! And... Kailee

Kailee- hey guys

Y/n- I got to go

Kailee- bye

Ant- what was that about

Y/n- just wanted to catch up on some stuff

Chase- well we gonna go out to eat wanna come

Y/n- no imma stay here

Ant- want anything then

Y/n- gimme y/f/f

Ant- ight see ya

Y/n- see ya

They leave

Y/n- FUCK!!!

You start crying

You start thinking like what if it was your fault. Like what if she started doing drugs because of me or because I made dad leave. I'm actually starting to think everything is my fault. 

I smoked a lil from the guys that gave you it at the party.

A knock on the door disturbed your thoughts... you open to see the familiar face from the party ... you just stood there in shock so you froze next thing you know your....

Sorry I know how much you guys hate cliffhangers.... but I wanna keep you guys on edge ya know... but I hope you guys liked it make sure y'all COMMENT and VOTE... what do you guys want in the next chapter... really I be needed them ideas. I don't really care what y'all want JUST COMMENT!!!!

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