Avani- because it looked like you guys were about to kiss
Y/n- again why the fuck is it any of your fucking business
Avani- no reason
She goes to the stall
Avani- oh and did you not listen to Anthony this morning
Y/n- how do you know about that
Avani- he asked me what I think he should do about it
Joe- what is she talking about
Avani- oh she didn't tell you
Joe- tell me what
Y/n- I'll tell you later ok
Joe- ok
You guys walk out and you go back to the others and Anthony gives you a angry but hurt look. Maybe he does still have feelings for me, I'm not never going back tho. He will cheat on me again.
We go see our fans and got to pictures and did some tiktoks with them. Then they started asking me questions about Anthony and why we broke up. I simply told them it was a sensitive subject. But this one girl asked me if Anthony and I are still friends. She was nice and she asked if I could add her on snap and I did.
Joe and I went to the hair salon.
Your hair
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Joes hair😍
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We went out to eat after and got more pics with fans and went to the park at this time its starting to get dark. We swung on the swings and slid down the slides. It was fun.
We got back to the hotel and packed our stuff back to go back to the tiktok house. Soon I'll be going back home to New York for a bit. I have y really told anyone about that. Not even joe. I'm kinda scared to not just him but everyone else too.
We got on the bus and we are now on our way to the tiktok house where I may never see again and hope everything will be ok. Without me.
I sat with joe we talked about what we were gonna do when we got back home. I didn't really say anything because you know my mom. I didn't tell joe what happened last night but he stayed there with me.
Joe- wanna do some tiktoks
You smile and nodded your head
You guys did tiktoks until you guys stopped for a pit stop. You bought some food and a drink. Joe wanted to pay but I told him I would pay.
Joe- hey y/n
Y/n- yea
Joe- when we go back home and we uh FaceTime sometime
Y/n- I'd love too
Joe- great
We went back on the bus and you went to sleep and sooner or later you woke up at the tiktok house and you were laying on joes shoulder. I got my stuff and went to my room and put my phone on charge and went to lay in bed. But I was tossing and turning. So I texted joe.
~Text convo~
Y/n- you up?
Joe- yep, what's wrong?
Y/n- nothing can't sleep hbu
Joe- can't sleep either
You- wanna cuddle?
Joe- I'm on my way😊
~end of conversation ~
He came in and he took off his hoodie and threw it at you and you put it on and then he got into bed and he wrapped his muscular arms around you. And you fell asleep.