Chapter 33

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The next morning...

You wake up to chase in the bed next to you. You woke up chase.

Chase- hmm?

Y/n- what are you doing in my bed

chase- you had a nightmare so I comforted you u til you fell asleep but I eventually fell asleep along with you

Y/n- so we didn't

He sat up

Chase- no

Y/n- ok just making sure

Chase- ok

He gets up and starts getting dressed and you went to the bathroom and started doing your make up and then you hear a knock on the door and you opened it cuz you the closest and chase ran into the bathroom cuz he was in his underwear. You open the door to reveal... Avani

Y/n- oh hell no

You slam the door on her face

Avani- please

Y/n- no fuck you

Avani- we need to talk

Y/n- no cuz I don't trust you anymore

Avani- please y/n

Y/n- no bitch what makes you think I can trust you

Avani- I'm sorry

Y/n- hmm right go the fuck away

Avani- ight

She leaves and you open the door just to see if she did and she did.

You went back inside and finished getting ready cuz it's the last day in Texas then we go to Ohio. After you got dressed and got breakfast you guys went to the meet and greet and this time it was overwhelming because there were people asking me about Anthony and Payton, it kind of made me sad cuz I do miss Anthony the old Anthony. He's changed ever since he "dated" Avani and it's upsetting to be honest. But I promised myself that I wouldn't go back to him and I have to stick with it.

We get back to the hotel and I go to the hot tub and relax... yea I know I've been relaxing a lot lately but someone or something always ruins it and I start back at square one. I close my eyes while I sit in the hot tub and listen to my surroundings. I heard footsteps and I open my eyes to see Payton

Pay- mind if I join

Y/n- no come on

Payton gets in the hot tub

Y/n- so Avani and anthony broke up

Pay- yea I know

Y/n- what do you have to say about it

Pay- I don't really care

Y/n- well what's your opinion on it

Pay- don't have one

Y/n- come on you gotta at least have an opinion on it

Pay- yea but I'd keep it to myself

Y/n- I'll tell you what I think about it

Pay- nope

Y/n- fine

We sat in silent for a moment

Pay- so I heard what happened in the Uber... with you and uhh Avani

Y/n- how

Pay- chase was telling the wauds about it and I over heard

Y/n- are you mad

Pay- no not really why

Y/n- cuz I know you like her

Pay- liked past tense

Y/n- you don't like her anymore

Pay- nope after what she did to me I decided she can fuck off and go be with whoever she chooses

Y/n- wanna know what she told Anthony in front of me and chase

Pay- sure

Y/n- she told us that she had feelings for you she just did it to make me mad

Pay- hmm that sucks doesn't it

Y/n- what do you mean didn't you like her a couple weeks ago

Pay- past tense

Y/n- wow

Pay- did she hit you hard

Y/n- she couldn't even hit me

Pay- did you hurt her bad

Y/n- no I didn't even punch her hard

Pay- good

Y/n- why

Pay- I don't really want to say

Y/n- come on you can tell me

Pay- no because then something will happen

Y/n- it can't be that bad, just tell me, I promise I won't judge

Pay- hmm let me think about that... no

Y/n- why not

Pay- because you'll find out sooner or later

Y/n- but why can't you tell me now

Pay- because

Y/n- is it about me

Pay- i don't know

Y/n- it is!

Pay- hmm

Y/n- well if it's about me I should at least know

Pay- fine

Y/n- yay

Pay- I-

Then joe came running in

Joe- something happened you need to look at this

Heyyyyy my beautiful people hope y'all have or had a good day and thank you for reading.... it running out of ideas so please comment some and make sure you comment what you want in the next chapter and vote. See y'all next time bye beautiful😘💞

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