Chapter 42

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~the next morning~

I wake up with joe gone and you just shrugged it off and took a shower and did you morning routine and went downstairs... everyone was at the table eating

Y/n- hey guys

Jay- is that joes hoodie

Y/n- yes it is actually

Tyler- oooo did I miss somethin

Y/n- you could say that

You got coffee and went to the table and sat next to joe. You looked around and Anthony was looking at you and we made eye contact for a couple seconds and he got up and left. You looked back at joe and smiled.

After you got done you went to your room and ft Kailee.

K- hey y/n

Y- hey Kailee

K- how you holdin up

Y- I'm hanging, how's tiff

K- she's alright

Y- has she-

K- no and I've been making sure of it

Y- thank you Kailee

K- when are you coming up

Y- soon

K- well be safe ok

Y- ofc

K- did you tell the others

Y- no

K- you should

Y- what am I gonna say to them?!? Oh I'm leaving and I won't be back for awhile bye. No I can't do that

K- well I'd tell at least one person before you left

Y- no I'm not

K- then what are you gonna do

Y- leave a note?

K- that could be an option

Y- yea well I gotta pack so I'll see you later

K- yep bye

You hung up and you start packing and it was lunch time and you went downstairs and got a bag of chips and went back upstairs. You look out the window and see the boys skateboarding just like the first day I came here. You looked at your skateboard and smiled. You grabbed it and went outside and started skating with them. And then Anthony came outside with an angry expression.

Ant- hey y/n why don't you tell us what your gonna do tonight!

You looked at him

Ant- how your gonna move back to New York

Joe looked at you and we walked away. You started to looking after him but Payton stopped you.

Pay- what is he talking about

Y/n- I can't right now I gotta go to joe

You knock on his door but he didn't answer

Y/n- joe look I'm sorry I didn't tell you

Joe- why didn't you tell me

Y/n- because

He opens the door

Joe- whatever excuse you have I don't want to hear it

Y/n- ok

You go to your room and start writing the note but someone knocked on your door

Y/n- come in

It was chase and Payton

Chase- why are you leaving

Y/n- umm personal stuff has happened back home

Pay- what are you writing

Y/n- a goodbye letter

Chase- are you leaving forever

Y/n- no just temporary

Pay- I thought you were happy here

Y/n- it's not like that Payton just family issues came up

Chase- like what

Y/n- I don't want to say cause I don't want your pity

Pay- we won't give you pity we just want to know

Y/n- idk

Chase- please

Y/n- no

Payton- please

Y/n- no

Chase- pleeeaassseeee

Y/n- no

Payton- please

Y/n- my mom died ok?!?

Pay- why didn't you tell us

Y/n- like I said pity

Chase- everyone is mad at you cause you are leaving and only wanted us for clout

Y/n- well it's not like that

Pay- then why don't you explain it to them

Y/n- idk

Chase- it'll help you so hey won't hate you

Y/n- fine but only because I love you guys

Pay- when do you wanna do it

Y/n- now ig

Pay- I'll get them together

They went out and you started to prepare yourself. You kinda got anxious. Like what if they get mad? Or sad or they give me pity.

I don't want that.

Payton told you that they are all downstairs in the living room...

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