Chapter 45

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I open the door and tiff.....

Was making a fort

Y/n- what is all this

Tiff- since we haven't seen each other in awhile i decided we could sleep in this tonight

Y/n- I'd love to

Tiff- joe could come in with us

Y/n- no it's a girls night tonight ok

Tiff- ok haha

Y/n- wanna go swimming I'm gonna go back out

Tiff- no I'm good

Y/n- ok well you can always come out

Tiff- ok

You went back downstairs and see Jaden

Jaden- so i haven't met your sister yet

Y/n- well your probably not going to

Jaden- and whys that

Y/n- because I don't want her near and arrogant, self centered prick and plus she's to young for you

Jaden- it would be a shame if I did something

Y/n- you do and I'll rip your insides out

Jaden- then I'll make you a deal

Y/n- no fuck you

Jaden- then I guess your sister will pay

You paused

Y/n- what is it

Jaden- you break up with joe and get with me

Y/n- no why would I do that

Jaden- because I could get you whatever you want and joe.... he can only provide "love"

Y/n- well maybe that's the only thing I want

Jaden- look y/n you have 48 hours to tell me your answer if you don't I go for your sister

Y/n- finna catch a case

Jaden- eh only if her guardian disapproves and/or disappears

Y/n- what the fuck does that mean

Jaden- well.... you'll see if  I don't get my way

You start walking towards the back door

Jaden- remember 48 hours

You get into the hot tub

Joe- so hows tiff

Y/n- she's fine

Joe- you ok

Y/n- yea *gives a reassuring smile*

Joe- ok babe

After we were in the hot tub for awhile I went to my room and I opened the door to Jaden in the fort with Tiffany.

Y/n- what the fuck are you doing?!? Get out!

Jaden- chill I'm just getting to know her

Y/n- no you're doing something and I'm gon-

Tiff- y/n chill out! He's just wanting to get to know each other

Y/n- no he's doing som-


Y/n- im sorry Tiffany

Jaden- imma go

He leaves and you walk over to tiff and you start tearing up

Y/n- I'm sorry I just don't want you to get attached and get heartbroken and you have a relapse

Tiff- it won't happen... I promise

Y/n- you said that last time

Tiff- yea I know

She gets up and I see her arms.... cuts from maybe a week ago....

Y/n- can I have a hug?

Tiff- ofc

Y/n- have you been taking your meds

She didn't answer me

You look at her

Y/n- you're gonna start taking them tomorrow ok and where have they been going

Tiff- In  the toilet

Still in the hug you put your forehead on her shoulder to get a closer look at her arms you look down and you see fresh ones.... from maybe a day ago

Y/n- tiff?

Tiff- yea?

Y/n- please tell me

Tiff backs away And you start crying

Y/n- did kailee know

Tiff- she caught me a couple times *starts crying*

You went to kailee'a room and you barge in and she's screwing Jaden. You cover your eyes

Y/n- why tf did you tell me Tiffany started cutting?!?

Kailee- I didn't think it was serious

Jaden ran out after he put pants on. So it was just me and kailee

Y/n- YOU DIDNT THINK IT WAS SERIOUS?!? WOW shows how much of a good friend you are

Kailee- but she was taking her meds and I thought it was because of her mom passing

Y/n- that doesn't mean anything it's the fact you didn't tell me she started cutting I could of left sooner to help her and no she wasn't she was flushing them down the toilet

Then tiff comes in and shuts the door

Tiff- I told her not to tell you

Y/n- why

Kailee gets up and gets dressed

Tiff- because you've always had to take care of me and I wanted you to live like a normal teenager before you grew up

Y/n- I- I will always have to take care of you tiff and I'm always here even if you do t want me to be

Tiff- yea I know

You look at kailee and you walked and punch her in the face and she falls to the floor and she gets up and we start fighting


Joe, anthony, and Payton runs in and got us off each other.

Anthony- wtf started this

Y/n- dont worry about *wipes blood off your lip*

Joe- come on let's get you cleaned up

Everyone is in the room now

Y/n- this is the second time you have fucked up everything

Kailee- oh please like you haven't fucked my life up

Y/n- well  I would gladly tell Jaden what you have

Kailees eyes went wide And Jaden looked at her with "wtf did you give me" face

And joe took me to his bathroom and started cleaning my face.

Joe- you don't have to tell me but-

Y/n- kailee didn't tell me about my sister

Joe- doing?

Y/n- cutting

Joe- so you're overprotective of her

Y/n- ever since last year she had an episode and I almost lost her... if I wouldn't of walked in the time I walked in she wouldn't be here....

Joe- well you can't protect her all the time

Y/n- yea I know

Wow this one is long..... over a thousand words but if you guys want me to read your stories please comment and I'll gladly read them! But anyways I love you guys and I hope you have or had a wonderful day and hope tomorrow is better bye lovelies

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