Chapter 56

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someone knocked on the door...

y/n- come in

it's jaden.

jaden- hey some girl is here for tiff

tiff- i bet it's the only night stand

y/n- i-

jaden- damn tiff

tiff and jaden leave and leave you there by yourself. payton comes in and jumps on the bed.

pay- wanna go swim

y/n- yea sure

i got dressed and then went downstairs to meet and calvin was in the doorway.

y/n- what do you want?

calvin- well to talk to tiff

y/n- and why's that

calvin- well that's her and my business. not yours.

y/n- mkay but i thought you didn't like her

tiff- y/n n-

calvin- wdym

y/n- you know she's gay right?

calvin- what?

y/n- i thought you told him

tiff- no!

Calvin- wait you're gay?!

Tiff- yes! And if you have a problem with it then leave! Get into your car a fucking leave!

He hesitated for a moment. But then she stood tall, turned around, got into his car, and left.

Tiff- damn it y/n! I had this! But no you had to fuck it up! Just like everything else.

She runs upstairs.

Pay- y/n she-

Y/n- I think imma go for a walk

I started to put shoes on.

Pay- want me to come with ?

Y/n- no imma go

Pay- wait

He handed me leggings and a hoodie. I quickly put them on.

Y/n- thank you

Payton nodded

I left and started jogging. I was running for quite a while I decided to stay at a hotel.  Just to get out of the house yk. I then got bored and walked the closest gas station. I bought candy, chips, and noodles. Once I got back to the hotel room I started watching tv. I soon fell asleep. I woke up around 8 and started to run back to the tiktok house, it was about 10 ó clock once I got there. No one was awake yet so that's good. I went to my room and i seen tiff so I tried to go Payton's room but it was locked. I tried the twins it was locked too. I tried Anthony's and it was unlocked so I went in his bathroom and started taking a shower. I thought I heard Anthony wake up so I got out to open the door and I looked out but he was still pasted out. I shut the door and got back in. I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair and I heard a knock at the door and it scared the hell out of me.

Y/n- who is it?

Ant- it's anthony

Y/n- oh come in

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