chapter 5

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Y/n- shit let's go...
Anthony- ight

We go to his room and I close the door softly while he get the stuff out of his drawer and sits on his bed and follow in behind him
He rolls it

Anthony- here
Y/n- shouldn't we go outside for this?
Anthony- I mean we can if you want
Y/n- nah just open the window

Anthony opens the window

Y/n- it's pretty out here
Anthony- yea
Y/n- I got a question
Anthony- shoot
Y/n- why were you drinking earlier
Anthony- *coughs* it's just that my girlfriend well ex now broke up with me like 2 hours ago
Y/n- damn that sucks
Anthony- why were you drinking
Y/n- *scoffs* it's just kailee like ever since we got here she's acting like a hoe and my board broke when I was skating earlier
Anthony- geez that every girl that came her that why we barely brink girls here anymore and everyone is literally talking about how sick you were
Y/n- wait you guys are in charge of the house
Anthony- no we help choose who we want to be here and thanks
Y/n- who all choose me
Anthony- shit everyone did cuz they think you fine as hell babygirl
Y/n- what about kailee
Anthony- promise you won't tell
Y/n- promise
Anthony- we knew you guys were a packaged deal so
Y/n- ah I see... You are the first guys that haven't hit on me
Anthony- not yet babygirl

Not gonna lie when Anthony calls me babygirl I legit melt and ughhhh but I barely know anyone here

Y/n- what time is it
Anthony- * looks at watch* 3:42am
Y/n- shit it was nice talking to you Anthony
Anthony- really
Y/n- yea I'll see you tom- in a couple of hours
Anthony- bye

You guys hug but it wasn't a short hug it was a long hug the hug where you can smell his cologne and bury your face in his chest
You pull away

Y/n- goodnight anthony

You walk out and you close the door softly

Kailee- your out of your room late
Y/n- ehh so are you
Kailee- that's because I was... Was
Y/n- exactly cuz you tried going to the twins room and get them like that honey but guess what if ya keep acting like a hoe you gonna get treated like one
Y/n- oh honey don't gasps cuz you know it's true and you wanna know why I know that... Because the only room that's over there is mine and the twins is a couple feet away from mine too and I can see the linguine it's peeking from your robe now if you want to start on me because you knew I had a crush on Jason and tried to get with him thats why I'm mad and the next time you start on me girl for the same shit you doing oh girl you gonna feel my raft when my fist hit your face

Kailee- i-
Y/n- now your best bet is to back to ya room thank you have a nice day and thank you for your services goodbye

Kailee was hesitant at first but she went to her room

Then you hear someone clapping from behind you and you turn around and it's payton

Y/n- Jesus Christ
Payton- did I scare you
Y/n- a lil bit

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