Chapter 53

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~the next morning~

Tiff scheduled plane tickets and woke me up.

Y/n- I'm not going

Tiff- why not

Y/n- because I gave that bitch many chances and she blew every single one of them

Tiff- please I need someone to travel with

Y/n- fine but only for you

We get to the airport and go on the plane to New York. When we got there kailee was waiting for us. Tiffany ran up to her and hugged her. I stayed back. She gave the stuff to Tiffany and I started walking away but Tiffany grabbed my arm.

Tiff- what if we go out to eat?

Kailee- sounds great!

Tiff- y/n?

Y/n- I guess

We go to our favorite hangout spot and we were there for a while. I just wanted to go back home before the damn plane left.

Y/n- we have to get going soon.

Tiff- what time is it?

Kailee- 7:30

Y/n- we have 30 minutes before we have to get back at the airport.

Kailee- we will get you there in time

Y/n- yea whatever I need to go back to the house and get some stuff

Tiff- oh yea me too

We go there and we get the stuff we need and we have 10 minutes to get to the airport. We drove there as fast as we could and eventually got there another minute and we wouldn't of been able to get on the plane. We get home and I went to the kitchen and got some food and then went to my bedroom. Payton knocked on the door and came in.

Pay- I have something to get off my chest

Y/n- can't it wait tomorrow I just got home and I'm really tired

Pay- it's about your dad tho

Y/n- what about him

Pay- he came to the house and wanted to see you and Tiffany and we said you guys weren't here but he ran in the house and eventually found your room and went through it. Jason and I cleaned it up for you.

Y/n- how did you get him out.

Pay- well we kinda punched him in the face

Y/n- oh...

Pay- you ok with that

Y/n- I honestly think he's not my dad so no really don't care

Pay- oh well that's it imma go to bed now

Y/n- wait

Pay- hmm

Y/n- we you cuddle with me? I mean if you don't want to that's fi-

Pay- sure

He takes his shirt off and jumps into bed and you lay on his chest with his arms wrap around you. You soon fell asleep.

~the next morning ~

You woke up in Payton's arms and tiff on the couch with I'm guessing her girlfriend i don't know. You got up and got in the shower. You got dressed and did your makeup and went to your room and seen Payton was up playing on his phone. You ran and jumped on the bed and jumped on him too.

Y/n- good morningggggg

Pay- good morning Haha

Y/n- wanna go get something to eat

Pay- sure lemme get a shower

Y/n- use mine i wanna pick your fit today

Pay- ok

He went to the bathroom and you ran to his room. You were gonna give him grey sweatpants buttttttt we know where the rest leads... (if you want smut with Payton comment😇) I pick a black pair of jeans and a black shirt. You run to your room and knocked on the door to see if he was decent and put them on the sink counter.

Pay- what did you pick

Y/n- something I know you would wear tehe

Pay- mmkay

You go back to your room and you chill on your bed and tiffs girlfriend wakes up.

?- hello

Y/n- good morning

?- can I go get something to eat

Y/n- sure go for it

?- thanks

She leaves and you wake tiff up

Y/n- oooo who is that?

Tiff- who is who

Y/n- that you girl you were cuddling

Tiff- one night stand

Y/n- oh

Tiff- yea she's ight ig

Y/n- o- wait hold up you and her- in here- in my ro- while I was asleep with pay- uhhhh

Tiff- no we went to the laundry room because the dryer is loud and no one goes in there unless they have to

Y/n- ok

Payton walks out

Y/n- you be looking cute doeeee

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Y/n- you be looking cute doeeee

Pay- you picked it soooo I hope it would look cute haha

Tiff- mkay lovebirds imma go downstairs, get sum to eat and tell that girl to hit the road *smiles* byeeeeee

Y/n- bye

Tiff leaves. Payton looks at you.

Y/n- what? Haha

Pay- nothing just you're really pretty

Y/n- awe thank youuuu

Payton just smiles. After a moment he steps towards you and.....

I'm sorry I haven't been updating I've been working on another story. If you have watched American Horror Story then you would know about Michael Langdon. But if you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it. Its weird at first but it gets better I promise. Anywaysssss thank you guys for being so patient I love you guys and make sure you guys comment what you guys want in the next chapter. Also I'm going to be trying to post every Wednesday.

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