Greene, just Greene.

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           Greene is her name, her name has stuck with anyone and everyone she's ever come across. If you've ever met Greene, then you still remember Greene. The way she talks all the way down to her walk will stick with you. Everything about the girl is enticing, almost as if she's some type of magical. Greene attracts all the wrong people though and that's part of the reason she transferred to Everwood High.

Today is her very first day, and she doesn't want to stick out. She wants to be as invisible as possible, not attracting any attention at all. However being a new kid comes with new territory and new people. Someone's bound to notice her, and Greene's praying that it's not someone bad. Getting caught up in the wrong crowd again could lead her to a place of no return. That place is a place Greene no longer wants any parts of; Her parents thought Everwood would be a good fit, they think the school will conform Greene into the person they want her to be. Quite frankly at this point in time they are fed up, they just want their Greene back. Greene's parents had heard about Everwood from a friend, so they looked into it, rightfully so. They found it to be a good school with plenty opportunities.

Everwood on the other hand, looks to be a good school on the surface, but today Greene will truly find out if everything said about the school was a lie.

"Greene, sweetheart! Breakfast is ready." Greene's mother, Mrs. Thomas's sweet, silvery voice rings throughout the upstairs. In their two story home.

Greene sighs once more as she fixes her tie in the mirror, a downside to Everwood. Very posh uniforms, the main colors black and red. Greene doesn't mind the uniform very much but she refuses to wear a skirt. Which happens to be a requirement for the females that attend Everwood. Greene is the type to rebel but this time around she's trying to go about things differently. However this skirt requirement just isn't going over well in her head. So in place of a plaid skirt she has on simple black sleek trousers.

Walking from in front of her full body length mirror, she grabs her blazer with the Everwood logo on it. Slipping it onto her body. With one last look at the mirror, she exits her small bedroom and descends down a set of oak steps. Heading for the kitchen, in hopes of a good breakfast, knowing her mother it probably won't be that good.

Upon entering the kitchen her mother forces a smile, most likely disappointed in Greene's choice to rebel.

"Hello mother." Greene greets sitting down at her designated seat at the small circular table her family of four eats at. Sitting in front of her, a porcelain plate with avocado toast on it. As expected from Mrs. Thomas.

Greene takes a hesitant bite from her toast knowing that in some way her mother has botched it. Which is saying something because avocado on a slice of toast might be the easiest thing ever to prepare.

Mrs. Thomas stares at her daughter expectantly, waiting for a rating. Greene on the other hand refrains from spitting out the toast. Through gritted teeth she forces it down her throat. Sending her mother an approving smile. With a couple ecstatic claps Mrs. Thomas finishes plating the rest of her "creation".

"The best dish yet mother." Not the first lie Greene has ever told and surely won't be the last.

Heavy footsteps sound to Greene's ears, signaling her father is coming. "Good morning little bean." Mr. Thomas greets his voice deep and smooth. His large hand ruffling Greene's shortly cut hair. Greene turns and gives him a warm smile as he fully enters the kitchen.

"I'm almost eighteen father, i think i've graduated to big bean." Greene halfheartedly responds, forcing another bite of toast down.

Mr. Thomas lets out his signature airy chuckle while assessing today's disaster of a meal. Clarke (Mr. Thomas) absolutely adores his wife but she can't cook for the life of her. For as long as the two have been married—twenty two years to be exact, Adeline's (Mrs. Thomas) cooking hasn't improved one bit.

"Looks absolutely amazing honey." Clarke praises Adeline always looking to uplift his wife's mood. Adeline shimmy's her way toward her husband giving him a loving peck on the lips.

"You flatter me." Adeline sweetly responds. Dusting her hands on her apron. Then pulling Clarke into a short hug, pressing her petite frame into his tall and broad stature.

"Get a room." Greene mumbles, tossing her toast to the dog while her parents are wrapped up in themselves. Her dog, Archie, devours the half eaten toast in one go.

"Father are you dropping me at school today? If so we should be leaving now." Greene announces, taking her plate to the sink. With a quick rinse, she places the plate back into a cabinet.

Clarke glances at his watch, they do in fact need to leave. "I am, but where is your brother? I'm dropping him as well."

Greene walks to the bottom of the staircase, "Sterling! Come quickly we're about to leave." She shouts up the stairs in hopes of her younger brother hearing her.

"Coming!" Greene hears her younger brother Sterling's soft voice respond. In a matter of seconds, Sterling is coming down the stairs. Dressed in his primary school's uniform.

As he reaches the bottom of the staircase Greene whispers to him, "you let me eat breakfast all by my self, very low move. I like it."

The two have split a basic day up into who eats what. Usually Greene stays in her room, while Sterling covers for her and eats whatever their mother has conjured up for that day. In return for Sterling keeping their mother busy while Greene skips breakfast, she covers for him at dinner time. Today however it seems she was left hanging.

Sterling gives her a small grin and a pat on the back as he walks past. Greene smirks a little to herself already thinking of various ways to retaliate. Turning on her heels she follows after Sterling, the two of them stopping at the front door. Waiting for their Father. Book bags already placed by the door. Each of them grabbing their respective bags.

"Alright let's head out." Clarke announces coming into view of his two children.

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