Mentally Scarred...It's what I am. And I can't change that.

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   "Mentally Scarred Addy, it's what I am. It's what I'll forever be. Damaged goods, and I can't change that. That's the worst fucking part Addy I can't change it. I'm left to suffer while you can live so peacefully six feet under ground." Greene sobbed with all her might. The hot tears streamed down her pale ghostly white cheeks. Her throat began to hurt from bawling so much.

"It's not fair Addy, it's not fucking fair! You-you left me alone. On this terrible terrible planet, all alone. It's so dark without you here, it hurts. So bad Addy!" Greene couldn't hold in her pain for much longer. Her never-ending suffering, spilled from the crevices of her skin. Dripped from the ducts of her eyes. Blew in the wind as she breathed. You could smell the despair around her. Taste the agony, feel the aching in her heart.

Greene knew she truly didn't blame Addy for her own self loathe and despair. Her own wrongdoings but that's how the words spilled from her mouth. She couldn't help it.

"Why? Why Aideen? Answer me, fucking answer me!" A gravelly sound echoed in her voice, as she splayed her heart on a platter. Greene's knees ached from kneeling so long. Wallowing in her own self woe, knees plastered to the brown dirt underneath her. A ache in her joint, an ache in her bones.

Greene was crumbling in the open for any eye to see. Her walls were down. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her voice was hoarse.

Her life was draining.

Her heart hurt.

Her brain was pounding against the walls of her skull.

Greene's shallow laughter filled the cold of the fall air.

"I wish you could've loved me to the last of my days as I did to yours." Her voice echoed in the wind. It twisted and distorted and became its own person. It mocked Greene as it blew. Reminding her of how much she grew to dislike herself. How much love she had lost for herself and the people around her.


The voice was whisper-like. It wafted to her ear, like the smell of a freshly baked pastry to a nose. A shiver erupted down her spine, at the soft feminine voice.

The tears fell faster, was she beginning to hear things now too? How much more of this bastardly world could she take?

Her gaze flickered up, her eyes burning with the crispness of the fall air. No one was around for as far as she could see. Her ears rung, and her heart beat a bit faster.

"Addy?" She murmured in child-like awe.

....A hand ghosted over her shoulder. A shiver erupting across her pale skin.

"Hey! Hey I said are you alright?" The hand shook her shoulder with so much force, it brought her out of her stunned state.

Her ghost ridden eyes steeled, as they flickered to the hand on her shoulder. It was large and warm, but it didn't feel right having it sit there.

"What?" She blubbered, unaware that someone had seen her break and crumble. She could have sworn the graveyard empty, aside from her and the bodies buried beneath the earth's surface.

"Miss, I asked if you were alright? Do you need me to call someone for you? I-I just seen you from over there and you looked awfully distraught, and then you began hyperventilating I thought you would pass out."

Greene attempted to compose herself with a sudden swiftness. Her hands slapped to her eyes, rubbing away the tears. She tried to steady the woes of her heart. She never wanted anyone to see her in this state. This raw state of emotion. That was filled with fear, anger, sadness, hate, love. She was left vulnerable in this state, and she knew that's when anyone could strike.

She hopped to her feet, dusting the rich dirt off her knees.

"I'm fine, you needn't worry. Thank you for your concern." Her voice came monotone to the mystery man behind her. It surprised him how bitter she sounded compared to the way he heard her bawling.

"Are....Are you sure Miss? I really have no problem calling someone for you."

Greene shook the man's concerned hand from her shoulder, stepping away from his lean figure, "I said I'm fine."

The man's soft features contorted into heavier confusion. How had she changed within seconds. Like the flip of a switch.

"I...I guess I can't argue with that. Sorry to have bothered you Miss...?"

"Thomas, you have a good rest of your evening." Greene offered a hand as a small greeting. Eager to get off the subject of how bad she appeared in this public space.

"McLellan, you have a good evening too Miss Thomas." 

Greene's hand faltered, her eyes locking with the man in front of her, " say McLellan?" Greene eyed the man intensely. Her irises racking from the blonde strands on his head to the loafers he wore on his feet.

"Um, yes? Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Your Father wouldn't happen to be a business man, would he? And you just so wouldn't happen to have a sibling by the name of Kodi? Would you?"

"I am a McLellan, yes. What business do you have with my family?" Greene's gaze turned calculating. She had never seen this man before. There weren't even any remnants of him in the McLellan family home. Could this be an actual brother of Kodi?

"Funny." Greene tsked her eyes littering to the orange sky, "he never mentioned a second son." Her thoughts whipped through her brain. The voice that was once stagnant flowing loud once more. She turned her attention back to the male in front of her. A slight quirk in her chapped lips. A mischievous glint in her eyes. "The year...the year you were born?"

"99, why does that matter? And you have yet to answer my question."

"The eldest...huh, you'd think that Mr. McLellan would have at least mentioned you. Well I do have to be going, now. It was a pleasure."

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