Bickering Like Children.

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"Oh poor one, did you complete last night's homework?" Kodi sings lightly plopping down into the empty space next to Greene. Greene pays him no mind, tapping idly through her cellphone. Which at the moment was completely fine because the teacher had yet to enter the classroom.

"I did why do you ask. It's not as if I will let you see it. " Greene chuckles softly to herself, "for some reason I had the feeling you weren't capable of completing simple tasks." Kodi frowns to himself knowing that he did in fact have the smarts to complete the work he just chose not to. Greene continued tapping through her phone looking at nothing in particular. Just a few pretty photos here and there. Greene's social media feed is fit perfectly to her aesthetic. Not anything too bright or dark. The photos being things she could relate to or found appealing. Kodi abruptly snatches Greene's phone, which would've surprised any other person except her. She sat back on her chair, arms folded in her lap patiently waiting for him to hand it back over. Kodi in the moment took it upon himself to not only follow himself but like his various lewd photos.

"You know I'll just unfollow you right?" Truth be told she actually couldn't be bothered but a fib is what she told. With a swiftness Kodi had stood up and exited the room. Greene legitimately did not mind. What would he find? The fact that she does have loving parents, or that she has a younger sibling. There was no dirt on her anywhere in that phone. Sure it'd be a pain to go search for him and retrieve her belongings back but that mattered not. Standing with a sigh, she walks out into the hallway. Questioning the nearest person in sight. They pointed her towards the men's washroom. She enters walking past boys who's mouthes were agape and marching up to Kodi. Snatching her phone from his unknowing hands, for he had not noticed her presence.

"Now kitten, how would you feel if I took your precious phone?" Greene asks feigning a pout knowing that his tactics didn't effect her in the least. A smirk settles on Kodi's face, now that made Greene curious. What had he done? Greene instantly presses on her camera roll. Why wouldn't a little narcissistic piece of shit instantly start taking pictures. Low and behold there was an array of photos. Kodi's uniform shirt was unbuttoned dangerously low. His pink lips appeared swollen to some degree and his hair was perfectly disheveled. Greene could see the appeal in him. She wasn't going to deny he was good looking. That would be the lie of the decade. However his personality really messes with his whole beauty thing. The ugliness he possesses is within which may be the worst kind.

"I also had a chat with your father. Sweet man he is. You know for being a daddy's girl your mouth sure is foul." Now that surprised Greene, it caught her absolutely off guard. If Greene had thought of everything, she surely had forgotten that. Now this could cause her some serious problems, considering she was forced to leave her old school. Greene's parents had problems trusting her and she knew this. This stunt agitated her more than it should've.

"What'd you do! What the fuck did you do?" Greene was pissed, fuming even. It's way out of her character to be yelling at people. Even if she does dislike him with a certain passion.

Greene had inched closer to Kodi backing him into the wall. Fear overtook him, no one has ever dared to attempt what Greene is doing. Now this was his shock. Kodi examined her quickly. Greene's fist were balled, her face was red, anger etched into her skin. This had him flinching.

A scared Kodi and a pissed Greene, had drawn everyone's attention in the washroom. They were all watching carefully, some even recording. This was a sight to see. Someone had the Kodi McLellen looking as if he might shit his pants.

Kodi was frozen, he didn't know what to do. How could he console the very person he wanted to make bend to his will. How could he apologize for doing just what he said he'd do: make her life a living hell. In this moment though, he felt regretful, sorry even. He'd seen people pissed before from his actions but they usually would storm off.

His back was pressed into the wall, he was almost on his tippy toes from trying to scoot farther back. Their breaths were almost mingled.

It was so quiet and tense. All until a smirk creeped its way onto Greene's face. "Got you there, didn't I princess?"

Kodi released a shaky breath. Almost fainting from having held it so long. Truth be told Greene wasn't frustrated in the slightest. It was rather amusing that Kodi thought texting her father would be her breaking point. Absolutely hilarious actually.

"Why'd I have a feeling you would try something like that? Your attempt was...well absolute bollocks. Kodi if you truly intend to make my life hard you yourself should try harder. Or you could leave me be, that works too." Kodi's frown turned into a scowl very quickly. He couldn't deny his heart was beating out of his chest. What irked him most though was her acting ability, if this was her "kidding" angry, then what was she like when she is truly angry. Even if that question was at the forefront of his mind, he still wanted to try his hand at being his own version of hell.

"You know what you poor piece of shit. I'll show you what hell is like!" Kodi raised his voice, pointing his finger into her chest with every word to reiterate his point. Greene didn't budge nor did her smirk drop, he'd have to try a whole lot harder and that she knew. With having had enough she grabs his hand roughly.

"Now listen here cupcake, i'd think a whole lot more before putting your hands on me. You may be a tad oblivious because of this bubble of self entitled surrounding you. But i've never been one to mess with nor have I ever been. Now i'll be going, i'm sure the lesson has already started."

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