Keep on trudging.

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"Greene please tell me you have in the slightest idea of who we could be looking for?"

Greene sighed lightly slapping the back of Jasper's head. A tsk and a grumble of discontent leaving her mouth.

"Jasper you're talking too much, just read the damned headstones."

Jasper blubbered, rubbing the back of his head in a pout, "But Greene that was a valid question! I'll read them but I don't know who to look for."

"Fine Jasper! Look for any McLellans' it's likely that the brother might've been visiting a relative. If not a McLellan try Graves, I think V briefly mentioned that was his Mother's maiden name. And Jasper for the love of God, don't ask me how he knows. V just has the knowledge, and I just heed it."

"Well you should have brought V then." Jasper grumbled mimicking her speaking gestures to himself.

Greene wandered off down another path, leaving Jasper in her wake. She tried her hardest to think about which way the unknown McLellan could have came from. She recalled their brief conversation, yet when the young man had said "over there" it was not clear as to which 'where' he meant.

Her feet led her down the dirt path, littered with headstones of those who had left the earthly plain. One in particular caught her eye. It was small and didn't stand out much. The cracks in it gave truth to the years of terror brought by the seasons. There weren't any new flowers, nor was the land kempt. In fact she might have looked over it, if there wasn't the bold engraved letters on the front.  

"Miss Graves, what a pleasure to meet you."

Greene sighed inwardly, her brain held it's own conflicts. Yet she couldn't go back, she couldn't rewind. Nor stop the burning feeling deep within her. She wondered to herself what could have happened to Miss Graves. Why was she six feet under? With such a bare headstone and her resting place uncared for? Something didn't seem right to Greene. It didn't make sense that such a wealthy family couldn't afford to keep up with the likes of her grave. And how utterly disrespectful, to see the grass where she lays unkempt.

"Miss Graves, you don't belong here do you?" Greene whispered crouching to further examine the eroded slate and stone. Her hand gently ghosted over the battered rock. Fingertips bare against the hard cold material. Regret bubbled in the depths of Greene's stomach. She had come searching and found nothing but the ghost of a woman. A woman who was no longer cared for or sought after. Her eyes bore into the stone, the dates not allowing her to feel any better. Born 1984 only to leave the earth thirty three years later. What transpired in 2017 to leave a woman barely over thirty in the dirt. 

"Seventeen." Greene muttered eyes piercing to the sky.

"Greene? Greene? Did you find something?"

Greene slowly turned her eyes meeting Jaspers' something in her gut didn't feel right. Her brain was calculating, churning, searching. "Jasper, this isn't right. This...this can't be right at all. Jas this woman died when she was thirty three...."

"G-Greene how old did you say the brother was?" Jasper's fingers began to tap. A nervous habit he had yet to rid himself of.

"He said he was born in '99. Jasper...that can't possibly make sense. Kodi is nothing but seventeen. That means she would've had to have gotten pregnant at..." Greene gestured to the headstone.

Jasper's voice came barely audible. The wind contorting with the smooth pitch of his voice."Fourteen."

"If the eldest is twenty-one that puts her at fifteen when he was first born. And if Kodi is seventeen that puts her at nineteen. From what I've gathered Mr. McLellan is in his forties. Which...makes him well into a young adult at the time the eldest was born."

The taps on thighs became more fervent, "What does that mean Greene? What're you saying?"

"There's no good reason this woman is here. She...she wasn't even in a single portrait or photo. No traces of her or the older boy." Greene sighed in discontent. "What happened to you Miss Graves?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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