Why're you such a brat?

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"Mind telling me your last name now?" The male Greene now knows as Kodi, Kodi McLellen asks with a raised brow. Greene sighs, staring at the boy. "Must you really know it?" Greene questions back, sighing once more. People don't usually give their full names when just meeting someone. Often time greetings are informal so the only thing required is a first name.

"Well no but i'd like to know it." Kodi sends a bright smile Greene's way.

"Thomas, my last name is Thomas since you're so eager to know." Kodi looks taken back for a split second before a small smirk splays on his face.

"Greene Thomas, hmph has a ring to it."

Greene leans back in her chair, turning to face Kodi more. "So, this hit list of yours. Is my name on it?"

"Well considering you walked away from me, yes." Kodi turns just as Greene did the two almost having a staring contest. A battle for dominance, maybe.

"Let me guess...no one walks away from Kodi McLellen. So now i'll be the highlight of your torture. Perhaps torture isn't the best word though. I truly doubt that you could possibly torture me. Annoy me, yes. Torture me, no." Greene returns Kodi's smirk. Now deciding on playing with him a bit. This year is supposed to be different but old habits die hard.

The teacher audibly clears his throat making the two look at him. The two had been in what looked to be a cutthroat stare down as well as a bickering match. The two hadn't noticed but the whole class's attention were on them.

"May I continue with my lesson?"

"Sorry, sir. Please continue." Greene responds first, now turning her attention to the the old man. Kodi on the other hand is defiant and stays facing Greene. Kodi is staring so hard it looks as though he's attempting to crack a code.

"Mr. McLellen is there a problem?" The teacher hums, peering at Kodi over his glasses which are now perched on his nose. "Is there?" Kodi submits right back, a rapid fire response. Him still not paying the teacher any mind. His eyes trained on Greene's face or rather side profile.

"Must you really be difficult today? It's Monday for goodness sake."

"Harold would you really like to test me today?" Greene glances at Kodi through her peripheral vision. She's met students who're less than respectful before but nil have ever dared to say a teacher's first name. Greene being quite the rebel herself has never dared to do that.

"Dean's office now." Harold sighs out wiping a hand down his face. Clearly fed up, not angry per say just tired.

"I think i'll stay." Kodi chimes, finally turning away from Greene and facing forward. "After all Clarence'll just ring my father, and we wouldn't want that. Would we?" Greene can see Harolds teeth grind together.

"Fine, you may stay but you must also pay attention."

"Of course Harold." Kodi beams his voice menacingly sweet. Almost like honey but if honey were the most poisonous thing on the planet to consume.

"Ballsy. I like it." Greene whispers teasingly not sparing Kodi a glance. Kodi hums in response already knowing he's caught Greene's attention.

The two spent their whole class time quietly bickering back and forth. Then the bell rang and all in the class proceeded to rush out the wooden door except for Kodi which didn't pass up Greene. She noticed how sluggishly slow he started to move once the bell rang. Greene wasn't one to pry but curious she was. So she lingered outside the classroom. After the door had closed and the hall had cleared. Greene was supposed to go to class herself but curiosity was like a nagging younger sibling. It just wouldn't go away. So here she is lurking outside the classroom door. Kodi hadn't exited yet nor had the teacher. A couple things crossed Greenes mind but the benefit of the doubt is what she wanted to give.

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