Greene You Sly Bastard.

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Jasper and Greene's plan had been set into full motion. Jasper was to meet with Kodi in days time. Whilst Greene was to keep up her antics at school. Which included leaving small bouquets at Kodi's infamous locker, notes and even food. Kodi eventually took to avoiding Greene like she infected with the bubonic plague. Even a glance in her way could be a pass of the horrendous disease.

Greene thought it was quite comedic that Kodi had even took to hiding from her. When she first came, Kodi was the reigning owner of the academy. Yet he was cowering away in a classroom, far from Greene's eyesight. If anything Greene was sure, she was somehow making Kodi's life a living hell. Avoiding every turn, every corner, must've been hell.

Greene didn't let up her silent "assault" though. In fact she was placing a perfectly wrapped box in front of his locker. The one good thing about this whole ordeal was, nobody dared to touch anything near Kodi's locker. Every passerby, left his newfound belongings be. They sure glanced more than once, but no one could muster a single touch; In that singular box, held a necklace. One that wasn't overly expensive, but was still gorgeous down to the smallest detail. The gold plating at the wispy white jewel made the necklace to die for. It was so delicately made that it looked as if it were handcrafted by an angel.

Greene hesitantly placed the box down. She had never bought jewelry for people, aside from Addy. That was the last thing she had given Addy before she passed. Something about items, even materialistic ones were hard for her to give. Perhaps it was a mental thing, maybe there was an invisible lock placed somewhere on her brain. One that constrained her, and restricted such a simple thing as gifting jewelry. It didn't make much sense to Greene, but she could acknowledge that the lock was there. She stared at the box in the odd quietness of the hallway before striding off. The goal of this gift was to catch Kodi wearing it. How she was to do that, she didn't know.

As Greene made her retreat she heard footsteps behind her. Yet she made no bother to see who it was. Instead lessons became the first thing on her mind. As she made her way down the hall, those footsteps became heavier.

"What the fuck is this? You little shit." She heard someone sneer. The voice sounding every ounce of cold. She knew exactly who it was. It was evident with the softness in his footsteps—even if they had became 'heavier'. Greene hadn't turned around yet but she held the most condescending smirk.

"You talk big for being about 5'4. I wouldn't say I'm little if I tower over you...."

Kodi's face contorted into an expression that Greene couldn't place,  "" Greene raised a brow at his remark. No comeback, no witty, snooty response. What was going on with the universe?

"Close your mouth buttercup, wouldn't want bugs to fly in." She utters, using her hand to cup his chin and close his slightly ajar mouth.


Greene musters a sincere laugh just from the look on Kodi's face. Her almost perfectly made teeth making a subtle appearance.

"What? Did you prefer Kitten? It suits you, even if I have a strong dislike for them. You're small and nippy."

Kodi looked in the slightest flabbergasted, but he simply turned on his heels and stormed down the hall. Greene considered this a small win in her book. She payed attention to the barely noticeable shift in Kodi's behavior. It made her ponder, what happened from her absence to now?

Greene shifted her attention walking to her lesson.

"Hey Greene it's glad to have you back." V gushed rushing over to her in the relatively large canteen. Greene would've been taken aback by his happiness. Yet she realized he seemed to latch to her at any given chance. Greene thought it might've been because of his lack of friends. The newly dyed black haired girl, knew exactly the cold feeling the world often radiated. She knew the deterioration it caused to the brain. She knew, all? No, some? Yes. For that reason, she didn't push the boy away. Yet she didn't embrace him either. The idea of a new friend was foreign to her. Especially after she was ridiculed, broken down, and sneered to pieces by her last friend group.

Perhaps they were the reason amongst others, that added to Greene's impending break-down. She knew not when it'd actually happen. She did know that her heart felt constricted and the world was heavy.

"Hello to you too V. Thanks for the warm welcome."

V offered a hum and a nod, as he sat in front of Greene, "So...want to tell me why you were suspended? It wouldn't have anything to do with Kodi and his foreseen hatred...would it?"

Greene threw a small chuckle V's way. The boy with green eyes as clear as day. She could have sworn she seen a forest hidden in them. He stared openly at her, unsure of why she chuckled.

"Yes V, correct you are. I'll spare the details, just know I have yet to be broken. That little shit will get whats coming."

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