Jasper, Jaspierrrr.

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A/N ahead, please read!

Hello dear readers! I have come to the decision to stop writing longer chapters. Now don't get me wrong there'll be the occasional here and there. However if my chapters are shorter then I can write more. Therefore more frequent updates, just not 1000-2000 words like usual. I always plagued myself with having to meet a certain word count which would stump me. Leaving me with a drought in chapters, and not updating as I'd like. My creativity wasn't flowing as I wanted it to, and I would only get a good idea or two to add into chapters every month or so. Hopefully this decision will allow me to make my stories move along, so that I may successfully complete one book. Then hopefully I can make new ones, or publish some stuff that has been sitting in my drafts. I hope you all understand, and I'd love feedback. Please do not be afraid to comment! I enjoy reading them and responding to them. I especially appreciate when readers converse amongst themselves in the comments. Its so refreshing to read multiple POVs.

Also to just inform you guys, online school is in session, which means more work on top of work. I have jobs, school, and other obligations. So even if I'm implementing this shorter chapter thing, I might not update too quickly. Just faster than I've been updating.

Please proceed onto the chapter!

" Jasper...?"

"Jasper...I...I've done a horrid thing." Greene whispered the last part almost wincing. Once her medicine wore off (if you could even call if that), her actions seemed to dawn on her. She made out with Kodi, caressed his body, looked at him sincerely for once. This was not apart of the plan. This was not supposed to occur.

"I made out with him Jasper...I touched his body. I did things I shouldn't have done. Fuck, fuck, fuck, why'd I do that?!" Greene clasped her head into her hands. The more she thought, the more disgust would creep up upon her. The more she'd feel so terribly bad.

Greene finally peeped up at Jasper. Who sat in the slightest dumbfounded. His expression steeled.

"How'd my dick taste? Fuckwad." Greene raised a brow with the tilt of her head. Confusion etched into her skin. What the hell? Is all she could think.

Greene put her face back in her hands with a large huff. Her body slumped over on her bed.

"Look G, I'm just messing with you. This should be a plus one in your book. He likes you. From what I can tell—that is with what you've told me, really likes you. We're just one step closer to ruining the little shit."

"I-I just can't believe I'd do such a thing. Lord, Addy would slap me right now." Greene knowing just about everything about Jasper, gave him a quick glare. As he was raising his hand, "Touch me, and today'll be your last day on earth. And that I truly mean."

Jasper heaved an awkward chuckle, knowing he had been caught before he could even do anything. It sucked having someone who knew you like the palm of their hand. It had its perks but Jasper knew he was predictable to Greene. Too predictable some would even say.

"Well, I'd say milk it for as much as you can. Then crush him. Crush him like a baby tomato." Greene giggled softly at Jasper and his tomato 'metaphor'. Jasper always proved to be quite the person. He had this aura to him that was so lovely. And don't get Greene started on how he could make her laugh in 2.2 seconds. His laugh in itself was contagious. It was no wonder why she had somehow befriended him.

Jasper came along after Addy, he was like this unbelievably bright light, somehow just standing in her tunnel. It was a surprise to even herself she didn't shy away from him. Back then, way back then, she still felt she deserved being devoured by darkness. Then there was Jasper, with his boyish brown locks, and his deep green eyes, that shone like emeralds in the sun. His smile and laugh captured her, it was all too inviting. The way he would unapologetically throw a terrible joke her way. The way he would listen to her drawl on about Addy. The way he even accompanied her to the graveyard sometimes, all lead to them becoming the closest of friends. His lewd words sometimes threw her off, yet his baby soft skin and childish glow reminded her he was no older than she.

"Alright," Greene stated with a determination in her eyes, "we WILL crush this kid. He'll never be a nuisance to anyone else again. Hell we should even add to our list! Make him apologize, make him sob, make him...something."

Jasper grinned widely at his friend, that was the spirit.

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