A Sight To See-

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The videos' from the restroom had already spread, everyone hailing Greene as some sort of Kodi tamer. Greene didn't mind at first but when hordes of people starting approaching her, requesting to be friends is when the problems started. Greene wasn't too keen on being everyones friend. She tried being nice but eventually it became annoying. The school day had dragged on because of this. So she's in fact ready to return home. As anyone would be.

Kodi on the other hand was infuriated, he had been reduced to a scared little boy. On camera at that. Now a surge of power flowed through everyone and he had lost his footing as the one in "charge". People made smart comments left and right. The cupcake nickname even stuck, for it only being a few hours. He wanted to scream. He even contemplated ringing his father. Surely a man of such power could make the whispers stop. Kodi had made a promise mid day to truly make Greene's life hell. He would no longer play nice and do such petty things. He intended on digging deep, finding some dirt and making her suffer.

"I'm not going to tell you how awesome that was but Greene you're a literal legend." V whispers from the seat beside Greene. His statement making her roll her eyes. Surprisingly V was the only person she could stand at the moment. Sure they're polar opposites and have absolutely nothing in common, but he's tolerable.

"V i'm sure anyone could've done that. Although everybody seems to be just a bunch of pussy's. What I did was not extraordinary in the least. He's a small fragile guy, with a foul attitude and brat tendencies. Not some strong macho person. Any one could've put him in his place." Greene was sure of it. If he hadn't had so many people scared shitless they could've done what she did. The two were entranced in their small conversation when the teacher called for Greene.

"Ms. Thomas to the dean's office please."

Greene hesitantly stood, this could go awfully good or terribly bad. What did he need to see her for, was it because she refused to wear the required skirt as a uniform. That was the only problem that had arose in her mind. Striding out of the classroom and to where she believed the dean's office to be. It is only her second day.

She finds his room with a swiftness and gently knocks on the door. "Come in." A gruff voice yells past the door. Greene slowly enters and she's stuck in place. There Kodi was, sat in a chair. Bawling his eyes out. Greene instantly knew this wouldn't go well for her. The dean beckons her in, so she steps in and closes the door behind her. She stands awkwardly in place.

"Please take a seat Ms. Thomas we have much to discuss." Greene let out an inaudible sigh knowing this could only go wrong for her. Especially with the way Kodi seemed to be crying his heart out. Greene sat in the seat beside Kodi. Glancing at him slightly as she struggled to get comfortable in the wooden chair. Greene had a nagging feeling that this was Kodi's way of making her life hell.

"Kodi please repeat what you just said to me." The dean orders in a rough manner. Clearly agitated, which made Greene wonder if he was wrapped around Kodi's finger as well. Kodi let out a strangled breath, tears striding down his face.

"S-she t-tried to force herself on me. I was walking down the hallway. Which was fairly empty when I saw her. S-she m-made a v-ulgar comment about my body. Before trying to force me into doing things." Kodi's sobs grew stronger, and his face went from coral to beet within seconds. Greene's mouth was agape at his accusations. She just enrolled here why would she attempt to assault someone.

"Are these accusations true Ms. Thomas?" The dean sighed looking between the two. Greene shook her head no as fast as she could even in her state of bewilderment.

"I would never do such a thing. Ever." Greene deadpans turning deadly serious from her bewildered state. This was low, Greene had dealt with little boys-which is all Kodi is, a sad little boy-before but this was indeed low. To accuse someone of something so serious was just the bottom of the barrel. These kinds of accusations have costed people their careers not to mention their lives. That dislike for Kodi was growing quickly by the second.

"Well Ms. Thomas you do have a history....well I won't get into that. But I have contacted your parents. I have yet to call the police because I do not yet know how we can proceed in this matter. As for you Kodi, I dialed your father, he can not make it, unfortunately. However I have briefed him on the situation." The dean explains looking like he'd much rather do something else with his life. Greene's eyebrows furrow. How is she to defend herself in this matter. What could she say to make this untrue.

"I'm a lesbian." She blurts, her mouth getting the best of her. All rational thoughts flying out the window. The dean stares at her incredulously and Kodi's sobs momentarily quiet, "I even have a girlfriend. I've never liked guys and never will.

I find it stupendous that he can just accuse me of something so horrid. I'm utterly offended. This is how this academy treats it's LGBT+ students. I wonder how the press would react." Greene became furious she was not going down that easily, and for someone to even concoct such a plan to accuse someone of assault is just unforgivable.

The room becomes deadly quiet. Even Kodi has stopped his woe is me act. His tears are still falling but silently. He wouldn't have thought this would've backfired.

"Now there's absolutely no need for the press to be involved. I'm sure we can handle this like adults. Once your parents arrive we can see how to proceed." Greene notices how worried the dean becomes. As well as how eager he is to not involve the press.

"I believe there is sir. With all do respect, you've called me out of my class time to make such terrible accusations against me. How am I to act. Shall I not protect myself accordingly?"

A growl came from Kodi which surprised the two. Both looking over to him. He had wiped his tears and dried his eyes.

"I hate you! I absolutely hate you. And for you George don't be surprised when you're having your arse handed to you. You don't deserve this job." Kodi screamed with some bass in his voice he didn't know he could even muster. "And you-" he sneered facing Greene. "Y-you poor ugly bastard! How dare you come into this academy and think you own the place. " Kodi was now just spewing as much hatred as he could. To the point where it didn't make much sense. He was out of his seat and stomping his foot like a child would do. Like a brat throwing a tantrum would do. The dean had never seen Kodi break down like this. Sure he'd been yelled at by the McLellens. Even chastised by Kodi more than once but this was different. It was not his usual yelling fit. It was much more deep, much more passionate.

Greene had had enough. If the students irritating her to no end wasn't enough now there's Kodi yelling to the top of his lungs like a child.

"Enough!" Greene roared over him. The single word holding so much power he instantly closed his mouth. In that moment he was reminded of his absent mother. How she could muster up the same power in one statement it was unreal. Greene had not yet reached her breaking point. She was just tired of all the yelling. A headache had crept up on her, from his screaming. She slouched in her chair caressing her temples. While the dean just sat flabbergasted the whole situation moving 50 mph. While Kodi stood face flushed, his perfectly manicured brows furrowed and his plump lips pressed into a frown.

A knock on the door had broke through all the tension. Greene could only assume it was her parents. Now she would have to face their wrath too. The dean mutters a quick come in and the door flys open revealing an angry Clarke and a upset Adeline. They hurry into the stuffed office. Standing side by side sending their best glares to Greene.

"What is the meaning of all of this?" Clarke (Mr. Thomas) questions harshly. Greene instantly shoots from her seat. Quickly offering it to her clearly upset mother.

"Father I have done nothing I've been accused of. You know I would never harm a soul." Clarkes eyes soften at his distraught daughter. Even if she didn't appear to be so, he could tell. She is his daughter after all. He knows her like the back of his hand. Greene wasn't one for showing emotions all the time but he could tell by the way she was standing.

"I know little bean, I know."

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