V, I think you're growing on me.

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   "Hey!" V exhaled slapping his hand on Greene's back, making pace with her quick strides. Greene never being one for excessive physical contact shot V a look, her eyes hardening. As if sensing what she meant, he quickly removed his hand.

V couldn't pin it, but he always gravitated toward Greene. Even if she had the no non-sense aura surrounding her very being. Even if her glares and even stares would make him scared straight. He still found himself hanging with the girl. The good thing was he never followed her like a puppy, she walked with him, even talked with him.

"I brought you tea...I didn't really know if you drank coffee, so I opted for tea. Since that's like universal y'know? Uh it's green. Green tea, I mean!" V rambled outstretching his hand, where he indeed had a cup of tea from some small cafe he found.

Greene glanced at it, then to him, before finally accepting the cup, "Thanks I guess." She uttered, hesitantly taking a sip of the tea seeing as V was gazing at her with the largest puppy dog eyes. "Good?" V questioned eagerly, fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah."

V did a small victory dance in the middle of the prestigious school hallway, earning him a couple of weird glances. He mentally congratulated himself before catching up to Greene. Boy does she walk fast, he always found himself thinking.

The caramel colored boy found himself drifting into lalaland until he was abruptly pulled off to the side. He look around frantically before settling on Greene. She stood wide eyes, a bit of tea staining her shirt.

"Shit shit shit" He heard her mumble under her breath. Unbeknownst to him Greene was dealing with some slight inner turmoil, seeing Kodi walking down the hall. She probably shouldn't have avoided him, instead she should have laid it on thick. However her brain was experiencing other thoughts.

"Greene? Greene?? What happened? Did I miss something? Aw narts I must've missed something."

"McLellan, coming down hall, hide." Greene huffed now focusing her attention on the slight burning sensation coming from her upper chest, where she had managed to spill tea. How stupidly clumsy of her. On her good white button-up too. 

V stood in a stupor, has the planet begun rotating backwards? Why would Greene be hiding from Kodi, oh he was definitely missing something.

"You want me to avert his attention, because that I can totally do." V offered eagerly, Greene sent him an incredulous look.

"Don't you usually avoid him?...You know what never-mind V just do your thing."

Alright! V thought to himself, rushing out of the classroom. With no idea in mind on how to distract Kodi long enough for Greene to flee elsewhere. He would have to this of something quickly because there Kodi was, his signature smug look adorning his features.

"Where's Greene pipsqueak?" Kodi sneered placing a hand snuggly on his hip. V would've almost found that comedic if Kodi wasn't so intimidating. For Kodi to be calling someone pipsqueak he sure was small himself. He was never a tall muscular boy. He was on the shorter side and built with a relative scrawniness to himself, although he was plump in all the places girls envied. While V was 5'10 with a swimmers build, Greene and him stood almost at the same height. Greene being just a pinch shorter. She figured she got her height from her father, as her mother was a short woman.

"U-um I believe she went to lessons already. Would you...like me to relay a message?"

Green listened intently from the empty classroom she stood in, ear placed soundly on the wooden door.

"No! I'll just find her myself...you good for nothing..." Kodi grumbled storming away, making V wince.

Greene breathed a sigh of relief peaking her head out into the hallway. No Kodi in sight, well one problem down and many more to go. She had classes with the feisty boy, she couldn't avoid him forever. Plus the plan had to proceed.

"V, I think you're starting to grow on me. Thank you so much, you have just saved me from an impending headache." Greene gushed offering V a smile, one that not many saw.

"No problem, honestly. By the way does this make us friends?"

Greene could only stare at V, his eyes wide and doe like. It had just settled on her he had been seeking friendship this whole time. Good thing she was never particularly mean to him.

"Yeah...I guess this makes us friends." Greene cracked, a small smile settled onto her face. Huh, a new friend, who would have thought?

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