Kodi, just Kodi.

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"Love you little bean, have a nice day."

Greene steps out of her father's Rolls-Royce. A car he saved up to purchase not too long ago. Clarke had his eye on the car for the longest and work was going well, so once he had enough money he jumped to purchase it.

"Love you too, see you later." Greene responds with a small wave, closing the passenger side door. Sterling was dropped off first being that his school was a smidge closer than Greenes.

Slinging her book bag over her shoulder, Greene heads for the double doors of the prestigious school, known as Everwood High. She receives a couple blatant ogles as she ascends the steps to get to the doubles doors.

Upon entering the school there is a noticeable difference from Everwood and her previous school. One: there is an abundance of students. Two: they all appear to be rich, preppy kids. Greene not really knowing where she's going, tries to find any sight of an attendance office. She stands there lost as ever, eyes scanning the large building. The doors open behind her, but she pays it no mind. Figuring whoever it is will walk around her. She isn't exactly taking up a walk way or anything.

Instead of the people walking around her they bump straight into her. Greene almost loses her footing but the girl has always been good on her feet. She quickly regains her composure completely devoid of a fall. Greene turns on her feet curious to know who has bumped into her, but this seemed more like an intentional push.

Greene looks the group of three up and down, observing all of them closely. Two boys and one girl it seems, but one of the boys could pass as female.

"Name?" The male in the middle questions, chewing a piece of gum obnoxiously loud. So much for gracefully chewing nowadays. Greene thinks over sharing her name, does she really want to tell him. By the looks of it she was actually pushed not just accidentally bumped into.

"Greene." She simply responds placing her hands into her trouser pockets. The male eyes her curiously, tilting his head a little.

"Green as in the color? Interesting, what's your last name?" The male questions his voice soft and smooth.

"Yes green as in the color but there's an 'e' on the end and it's just Greene." With the simplest response ever, Greene walks off more interested in figuring out her classes then sharing her whole life story with some person she just met. There are a couple gasps as she continues walking down the corridor. Greene wonders to herself why everyone seems so surprised. She didn't find it to be rude that she walked away. In fact that was a normal interaction, to her that is.

"Bloody ripper!" A male exclaims walking in sync with Greene, an evident accent when he speaks. Greene glances at him, confused with his words.

"You just walked away from Kodi McLellen. As in thee Kodi McLellen." The unknown male continues still walking on the side of Greene. Greene gives him a clueless look because she is in fact clueless.

"You must be new. Well for starters Kodi is extremely suss, he doesn't necessarily do things but he does them. You're likely on his hit list now so stay alert."

Greene comes to a complete stop facing the stranger. "Hit list? How do I erase myself from said hit list?" Greene frantically questions not wanting any repeats from her last school.

"Well truthfully he's probably already set his eyes on you, therefore there is no getting off." Greene heaves a heavy sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her two fingers.

"Oh i'm V by the way, and before you ask. Yes my name is truthfully just one letter. No i don't know what my parents were thinking." V shifts on his feet as he notices Greene's jaw clench and unclench. He runs his hand through his gelled back hair, with a shaky sigh.

"I'm Greene, just Greene before you ask. Also do you mind showing me where the attendance office is located."

"I don't mind at all, lets go." V flashes his signature grin. Turning on his feet he continues walking down the hall. Greene following after him.

"Well for what it's worth you don't look like the push over type, so maybe he'll just leave you be." V says as if his words are any consolation. Finally the two come to a stop in front of a dark wooden door. A sign with the word office in bold letters hanging above the door.

"I guess i'll see you later?" V states, more of a question rather a statement. Greene gives the male a once over, "sure."

Upon entering through the door, Greene is met with a middle aged woman, very wholesome in the sense of her appearance. The woman greets Greene with a wide smile.

"What can i do for you?" The sweet woman inquires, sitting back a bit in her chair. Where she's stationed behind her desk.

"Hi, today is my first day, i need my schedule. My name is Greene Thomas."

With a nod the woman opens a drawer scrambling through neatly lined papers before pulling out a sheet addressed to Greene. "Here you are, your locker number is on here as well. If you have any further questions you can come back here or ask any nearby teacher. My name is Ms. Hansibol." Ms. Hansibol hands over the sheet. Greene looks it over, seeing that she doesn't have a full day worth of a schedule. Her old school required her to have six full class blocks then break or commonly lunch. It seems this year she is only required four class blocks, then she has break, which is at least one whole hour of free time. Then lunch and she can then proceed to head home. Not in the exact stated order of course but very similar. Now that she's received her schedule she's off to her first block: AP calculus. Quite an intense course to take early in the morning.

Greene figures it shouldn't be too hard to find the classroom. Since every room is numbered then the number on her sheet correlates with her class. It shouldn't be that hard to find.

While walking in the hallway, she finds herself surprised that Ms. Hansibol had nothing to say about her attire. It must be often that girls don't dress in the required uniform.

Greene finally finds her assigned class after five minutes of complete wondering. The door is already propped open so she walks right in. Gaining the attention of the whole class as she does. An old man with glasses perched on his pointy nose looks up at her, the teacher, she presumes. The man clears his throat before finally speaking.

"Please, take a seat at any open table. I'm sure your seat mate will catch you up." The man informs his voice nasally. Greene gives him a simple head nod before looking for an open seat. There isn't really many seats open so that means she won't be sitting by herself which she quite prefers. She decides on taking a seat next to a petite girl with bangs.

"Hi, i'm Nila." The girl greets warmly as Greene takes a seat, placing her bookbag on the floor.

"Hey, Greene." Greene greets back with a small smile.

"Do you mind if i have a looksy at your schedule? If we share anymore classes i'd be happy to show you to them."

Greene slides her schedule over to the girl who's name she's learned is Nila.
Nila giddily scans the sheet of paper.

"aw man, looks like we have no other blocks together. You have all the advanced stuff."

"Well that's quite alright, we have this class don't we?" Greene responds being the charmer that she is.

Someone clears their throat causing the two to stop their own conversation. The both of them look up at said person. "Hi Nila, you wouldn't mind if i sat here would you?" The same soft voice from earlier asks. Greene is a little taken back, why would he want to sit in an already taken seat. Greene looks between Nila and the males name she never got from earlier. Nila looks paler than usual which is saying something because Greene doesn't know the usual. It's just a plain observation that Nila is very pale but now she appears ghost white.

"O-of c-course, i-i mean no i-i don't mind." Nila stutters out wide eyed as she grabs up her items off the table. Standing quickly Nila scurries over into another seat and the unknown male sits down.

"Hi Greene." He greets his voice overly sweet, his intentions darker than he lets on.


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