Pretty Please Greene!

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"How was school little bean?" Greene's father questions as she walks through the front door. Her mother following closely behind. "Very uneventful father very uneventful." Greene huffs dropping her bag next to the front door and slipping off her nice well-made black Oxford shoes.

"School isn't meant to be exciting little bean. You're there to learn." Mr. Thomas likes to reiterate such words on the daily. If Greene had a dollar for every time those exact words were said to her she'd probably be a millionaire.

"I know father I know." Greene sighs running her hand through her hair and proceeding to walk upstairs to her bedroom. Before she could make it to her door she's intercepted by Sterling.

"No." Greene states attempting to walk around him but he steps in her way once more. Greene's all to familiar with the question that's about to come from Sterling's mouth. Without fail he asks said question every single day. "pretty please Greene, i'll cover for you as long as you want." Sterling whines with his bottom lip stuck out.

Greene pretends to think it over a mischievous glint in her eye, "one month, one whole month you cover for me. Hell you can come everyday if you do that." Sterlings eyes light up and a warm smile spreads across his freckled face. "Deal."

"Alright chump give me five then we're leaving." Sterling fist pumps the air before running off down the hall, making Greene roll her eyes as she enters her room. Sterling despises staying home, he intends to head out every chance he gets. He's the talkative adventurous type. One of his favorite places to go is the little coffee shop Greene works at. Partly because he can converse, in actuality mess with different customers. All the while getting free food-good food. Which runs on a tab that Greene will eventually have to pay.

Greene hastily removes her school uniform. Although her work uniform is very similar. Trousers, button-down shirt-tucked, dress shoes; different from her school shoes of course. Usually a apron however it depends on the day. Greene dresses in a haste fashion. Eager to be somewhat on time for work. Her time in tends to fluctuate terribly. In fact her boss makes it a syndrome to remind her that she'd be jobless, if it weren't for the fact she happens to be an impeccable worker.

Greene places her cellphone in her back pocket then proceeds to walk into the hallway, "chump!" She shouts, Sterling comes trampling down the hallway. If it weren't for the carpeted floor there surely be a skid mark. Greene spares him a side glance before walking down the steps. Sterling following on her heels. A small sack to his side, for various foods he intends to smuggle home. Shepherds pie being one of his personal favorites.

One unfortunate downside being the two had to make quite a journey on foot. Greene's driving rights were revoked not too long ago. According to her parents she had done something so unforgivable-although she was in fact forgiven, that her driving rights automatically should be revoked. Honestly her parents didn't make a lick of sense when they were explaining it to her but she just went along with it. Walking does happen to be a piss poor thing though. Walking is certainly seen as very trivial but Greene has learnt to appreciate the importance of walking as well as being grateful that she can receive car rides from her parents.

The two had made it a couple blocks in just a couple minutes. Waving and greeting a few as they did. Greene and Sterling seeing people they both know.

"One month, one month, Sterling you dumb-arse." Greene guffaws as they walk side by side down the side walk. Sterling sighs, realizing how his trade might've been idiotic. "I'm eating wahaca's for a month, chuffed!" Greene cheeses to herself. Her mouth salivating at the thought of eating Mexican style food for one whole month. No worries about what her mother would innocently whip up and botch.

Sterling groans softly, now caressing his temples. It never occurred to him that one day would really not equate to thirty something days. Guess that's where half thought bargains get you. The two continued to walk, Greene with a pep in her step. Sterling quickly realizes that he'll have to stuff his satchel to the brim. If he intended to eat good for at least a few days.

The two finally made it to Greene's place of work. The door jingled softly as they entered the small cozy building. The warm atmosphere surrounding them as they walk deeper into the store.

"Hey G..."

Greene gives a head nod toward her coworker. Acknowledging his hello. Sterling rushes off to the counter. Ready to grab up all the freshly made deserts. Greene walks off to the back room. Grabbing up a apron, wrapping it around her waist. "You seem happy today." Greene states walking behind the counter. Her coworker-Jasper sends a look her way.

"Met somebody new?" Greene questions taking it upon herself to wipe down the counter. Jasper sent a wolfish grin her way. Greene knew he had met someone. Jasper always told Greene about his late night endeavors. It was always interesting hearing everything. Most of the time everything was comedic. Something always went terribly wrong with Jasper's fun times.

"So what happened this time?" Greene wriggles her eyebrows, smirking a bit.

"It was the best night i've ever had. Given we didn't actually have sex sex but bloody hell was his mouth good."

Greene listened intently with a smile. While restocking some items that need to be restocked. "That's new, when has The Jasper ever said 'we didn't actually have sex' have you lost your touch?" Greene jokes halfheartedly. Jasper feigns a hurt expression. "Well if you must know, he said he was a virgin." That caught Greene's attention Jasper never had rendezvous's with virgins. All his meetups were usually experienced.

"Huh, a virgin that's new."

"He had the most perfect body too, i'm actually thinking about hitting him up again." Greene raise her brows, completely astounded. This was legitimately different. Jasper doesn't do call backs. Greene stops what shes doing and leans on the counter. "Jas you're doing a call back? Wow man, the mouth got you hooked like that!" Jasper sends a fake laugh Greene's way. "It's just he...he was different. Like different Greene."

"Now I have to see this guy. You're wrapped around his finger."

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