Long, Dark, Conversations.

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"So why'd you get put out?" Jasper asked, gazing at the sad slump in front of him. This was a state he hated seeing Greene confine herself to.

"Dean thought'd it'd be best if I took a 'break', a bunch of BS if you ask me."

"So who is this Kodi kid anyways. Sounds like I should beat his ass." Greene scoffed at Jasper. Not that she would mind Kodi getting his arse handed to him. Violence just simply wasn't the answer for this problem. That she could tell, Kodi seemed like the type to need someone who could put him in his place. Although Greene wasn't sure she, herself was to be that person. Graduation and possibly Uni was way more important. At least to her parents standards.

"I have a picture of him, he thought'd it'd be cool to take pictures in my phone." Greene sighed, scrolling through her camera roll, to find the pictures. Once she found them, she shoved her phone in Jasper's face.

Jasper seemed to be surprised and disgusted all in one. If features contorted into an emotion Greene could not place.

"T-that's him? Oh god, Greene I think I've fucked up." Greene couldn't understand why Jasper was reacting so badly. Had he met Kodi already? Greene stared at Jasper incredulously. Could that even be possible? Where would Jasper have met Kodi. Someone of his 'status' wouldn't be seen lurking around a cafe.

"Th-that's the guy I was telling you about. T-the one I wanted to call back. Fuck Greene I'm so sorry, If I had known I wouldn't have had sex with him",

Greene just rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive hand. The news did not infuriate her in the slightest. In fact there was much more leverage there than Jasper had seen. Greene wasn't sure what exactly could be done with the information, although she'd surely conjure something up.

"You're lucky I'm no Addy, or else I would've been pissed." Greene chuckled softly to herself. Looking off to the side. Taking in the large amount of greenery. The gorgeous blue sky, purple clouds, and luscious green grass. It was an impeccable sight to see, that never once failed to not captivate Greene's big brown doe eyes.

Jasper's deep baritone laugh flowed to Greene's ears, "Hey! Sorry Addy, It won't happen again." Jasper yelled, his voice echoing off the scenery.

"I'm sure somewhere she can hear you." Greene mumbled, feeling her eyes grow heavy. The thought of Addy always managed to bring tears to her eyes. Life after her passing, had became so much harder. Greene was struggling the most mentally, whether it was something she could admit or not. Her mental state had grown heavy, smothering even. Still she continued on, keeping up a straight face. Aching terribly from within.

Jasper observed Greene quietly. He knew she was suffering, but he didn't know how he could help relieve it. Her state effected him as well. Jasper didn't know how to approach it. Nor did he understand it. Nothing in his lifetime had left him so utterly heartbroken. He could not relate in experience so how could he help? He wanted to help Greene however he could. He wanted to just be able to see her genuinely smile for once.

"So..." Jasper started, "how do we get Kodi's ass back?"

Greene slowly turned to look at Jasper. Her face was unreadable. It was stoic. It was still.

"I...I don't want to cause anymore trouble. This school is the last straw for me Jasper. If I get kicked out, I don't know where I may go from there." Greene mumbled lowly, the gravelly feeling in her throat never subsiding. The thought of getting Kodi back weighed in the very deepest parts of her mind. It was so terribly tempting that it hurt. Greene knew she didn't deserve this 'break' from school, as she did nothing wrong. She knew the accusations brought up, were clear defamation of her character. So 'getting' Kodi back was like a itch. One that she didn't necessarily want to scratch, but it was nagging her.

"Greene, you deserve none of this. At all, Kodi on the other hand. He deserves his ass handed to him. He didn't even have the decency to tell me his real name was Kodi. I was under the impression that it was Ace. I...let him touch me, and he's done all these horrid things. Greene it's time for some payback. We have the upper hand. He doesn't know I know you."

Greene listened closely to what Jasper had to say. More unfolded about Kodi the more she listened. So he had an alias, what would he need one of those for.

"So what do we do then? How do we proceed?" Greene inquired, pondering upon the outcome of their plotted revenge.

"We trick him, make him think I'm wholeheartedly feeling him. We get him to let his guard down, then we strike. From what you told me, it sounds like he's been terrorizing people for the longest time. He deserves to feel even a smidge of that terror he's inflicted on others.

"So where do I come into all of this?"

"You do the same, create some inner turmoil for him. He would least expect you to start being nice and tolerating him. So do just that. Then whoever he falls for in the end, we cut him off. We snip his heart in half."

Greene was taken aback by Jasper.

"Isn't that a tad harsh Jasper. That plan sounds downright evil."

"Wasn't it a 'tad' harsh to accuse you of sexual assault. That is simply not something to joke about, and he was deadly serious."

Greene sat, contemplating. She didn't know if she had it in her heart to hurt someone like that. But it seemed like she was the only one that kept getting consistently hurt. It felt like all the universe wanted to do was make her suffer.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Jasper asked in an attempt to egg Greene to agree.

Greene felt there was so much that could go wrong. Only time would tell exactly what.

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