Touch [6]

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— read part 5 first

🔞mature content ahead!

Mark started moaning uncontrollably, as Johnny played with the younger's nipples.

Mark screamed out in pleasure, if it was anyone else who had done that it wouldn't have made him that.. Excited, but Johnny doing anything to him in that sort of way was a dream come true for him.

"Johnny~ oh Johnny~" Johnny smirked, he laid Mark down with a gentle touch. He could never man handle a fine piece of art like Mark. He took his shirt off, as the light from the window gleamed onto Johnny's chest.

"Johnny~?" Mark said softly, to which Johnny raised an eyebrow. "Yes Markie~?" Johnny hummed in a sweet tone, Mark choked a little bit as he didn't expect that response. "I think I..." he hesitated, "I think I..." he once again hesitated. "What is it Mark? You can tell me anything, I promise I won't judge you or tell anybody." Johnny said taking a grip of Mark's hands. Mark finally spat out what he'd been trying to say before,

"I think I love you- wait a minute let me rephrase that, I think I'm in love with you.." Johnny smiled, "How long have you felt like this?" Johnny asked Mark, leaning in closer to him "One day, a couple years ago maybe. I saw you with your hair sweeped to the side, I knew from that moment on that I'd completely fallen for you."

Johnny leaned in and kissed Mark gently, enjoying every inch of Mark's mouth. He stopped for a moment,

"Mark?" Johnny said softly. Mark looked at him with curiosity, his heart pounding out of his chest. "I love you too, and I fell for you that same day. You looked so precious and I knew from then on I would never stop feeling the urge to protect you like my life depends on it."

Mark smiled, Johnny leaned in and kissed Mark once again. They felt so smitten with eachother, like a weight lifted off of both of their shoulders and replaced with an airiness throughout their entire bodies. They couldn't stop smiling, this happy feeling rushing through them.

Johnny then reached for Mark's shirt, pulling it off of him being careful with his precious Mark. They began messily kissing eachother, unable to keep their hands off eachother.

Johnny quickly unbuttoned Mark's pants, so eagerly. Pulling out Mark's shall we say, Mini Mark? He began to rub, slow but with strength. As if he was appreciating every inch of Mark. Mark threw his head back in pleasure,

"Oh Johnny~ oh yeah~ oh baby~" Mark started bucking his hips up and down, thrusting into Johnny's touch. Johnny grabbed Mark's hand on his crotch, as a signal to Mark that he should rub Johnny as well. Mark was more then happy to be able to touch Johnny's long thick Johnny stick.

He took ahold of Johnny's dick, shakily rubbing as Johnny rubbed him. It was only a few moments before they started rolling their eyes back in pleasure, close to both their climaxes.

They came at the same time, calling out eachother names. Afterwards they cuddled eachother, holding onto eachother like if they let go the universe would fall apart. They fell asleep laying sideways on Mark's bed.

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