[A/N] Fan Survey

1.2K 31 12

Hey guys! It's the author here, sorry if updates are not as frequent or come out very inconsistently, I'm very busy in my personal life and I do this as a hobby. (not to be confused with a hobi sorry my inner Army needed to be unleashed some how XD)

Basically I wanted to ask, how do you like this book? Do you enjoy it? Am I capturing the members in the book well? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  I try to add personal aspects to it to make them really feel authentic like you're really reading about the NCT members

Also if you have any idea on how I can change my tags on this to make them more appealing and also so Wattpad recommends actual stories like mine under my fic instead of Detroit fanfics because I know that can affect what my story gets recommended under then please let me know 😂

Ok bye y'all! Thanks for almost 1K reads I'm so glad you guys enjoy this, I've never gotten that many reads on anything so quickly ever so thank you so much I appreciate you 💚

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