Ensemble [13]

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Yuta rummaged through Mark's wardrobe in search for the perfect date outfit, it was cold out so he thought that Mark would look cute in something oversized and comfy.. Though.. Yuta looked like a mad man searching.

"Why'd I trust you.." Mark said with a sigh, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Trust me, once I'm done with you Johnny won't even be able to speak." Yuta said with confidence as he searched through the boy's wardrobe.

"Yuta, I want to look good for my date. Can you just let me pick something?"

Yuta held up a sweater as if he had found treasure. "Here, try this on while I find you some pants."

He handed the boy a dark blue sweater that had a couple small rips in places for stylization.

Mark took off his shirt and slid the sweater on, and surprisingly it fit quite well, it hung off his shoulder a little bit leaving his collar bone exposed which looked especially great on Mark.

"Does it fit well?" The elder said as he searched through a pile of clothing.

"Yeah, actually but I don't remember buying this." Yuta helped up a pair of jeans to Mark to see how they looked, then put them back and grabbed another pair.

"That's because you didn't." The elder said as he looked for the perfect pants. "It was WinWin's, but he never wears it because he doesn't really care for blue. He thinks it pink looks better on him, I told him he looks cute in it but he says I think he looks cute in everything but he does."

He said, going in and out of Mark's closet. "Oh good to know, but how did it end up in my closet?"

"Things happen in this house Mark, things."

Yuta had finally found the right pair of pants, he held them up to Mark and it was a perfect match for the sweater.

"Here, put these on. do you have any necklaces or anything that you could wear?" He said as he handed the younger the jeans.

Mark got the snug jeans on and they were a light blue, and fit pretty tightly on Mark showcasing his curves well.

"Yeah, I got a few necklaces. Hold on I know which one I wanna wear." Mark grabbed a silver necklace that simply had the letter M on it and put it on.

"How do I look?" Mark said with a smile.

"You look great." Yuta said, giving Mark a pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks Yuta, I owe you one." Mark said as he began to leave.

"Anytime." Yuta said, waving with a smile.

Mark left the dorms and walked over to go meet Johnny at the coffee shop.

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