Joyous [26]

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It was another early morning once again in the 127 dorms. And what exactly was everyone on a fine morning like this? Well, since you asked. They had spent their morning snuggled up in their beds, and each one of the members particularly cosy today. There was a specific kind of love in the air that day that made everyone feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Mark laid there in comfort with Johnny's arms around him, both of them were awake but neither of the boys was ready to get up yet. They didn't look forward to getting up, they felt so at ease side by side. When they were around each other, they feel like they could conquer the world together. Their problems seemed meaningless when they were comforted by one and other.

Mark was much more comfortable by now, now he was very confident in their relationship. He'd never experienced anything like this before, and he often had questions or doubts about everything. But after seven months of dating, things weren't brand new anymore. And they had grown so much more accustomed to this lifestyle. It was a feeling of genuine happiness which was a new experience for them. Throughout these seven months, they had developed an inability to sleep in separate rooms, or beds for that matter. They couldn't imagine sleeping alone again, and they'd spent so many mornings like this, so intimately. Just bundled with the other's warmth.

Johnny stroked Mark's hair, smiling at the precious boy in his arms. Even though Johnny had been in relationships before Mark, he never felt truly in love like this. There was nothing he experienced that was ever as defining as this. He would do anything to keep it this way. He took a soft glance down at Mark, their eyes interlocking in an instance. Even after all this time, the way they looked at each other never changed. They were practically telepathic whenever they made eye contact. Mark felt so at ease in Johnny's arms. The small worries of life were so irrelevant to him when he and Johnny spent time together. He knew he could always count on Johnny, no matter what the circumstance. And that Johnny could be there for him when no one else could. And if he was stressed, Johnny would always be there with open arms for him to make him feel so much better.

Thinking about how in their relationship, Johnny has supported him through good times, and through bad ones. How Johnny helped Mark the times when he felt that the sky might fall on him. The times when Johnny made him laugh until his eyes watered. Mark's appreciation for Johnny grew, he had this heating sensation in his heart that made him feel euphoric within that moment. That made this weird feeling travel all over his body, a feeling that he never knew what to do with. This overwhelming, powerful feeling. He experienced the rarest emotion of them all, the one that was common when he was around Johnny. And that was true love.

“Johnny..” Mark uttered softly, feeling this urge to convey this completely overpowering emotion to the older. Though he never knew exactly how Johnny still understood him.

“Hm?” Johnny responded. His eyes, sparkling in the morning light, as the sun peaked through the window. The highlights in his deep brown eyes were so mesmerizing.

He gave Mark's head a little pat to reassure him, knowing the boy might be nervous judging by his mannerisms. And that made Mark feel appreciated. “I like it like this, I hope we can spend every morning together from now on... I love you.” Mark said his voice a bit raspy and course have given the fact that he had only just wakened up. Johnny's smile widened ear to ear, and his heart warmed up his entire body as he felt this indescribable wave of emotion. Little things like that were why he appreciated Mark so much, Mark was the sweetest and most honest and caring person you could ever know. And that's why Johnny would protect him at all costs.

“You're so cute, baby. I love you too.” Johnny replied, honestly words couldn't do this emotion justice. But they didn't need to, because they both had the reassurance of knowing that it's something they experienced together.

The two boys cuddled for a while more, until, unfortunately, their snuggle saga had to eventually come to an end. And had to get up. Although they could've stayed just like that all day long, and all night long even. Johnny was the one to get dressed first. Wearing his usual preference style of clothing, soft and very oversized for maximum comfort levels. And after he finished dressing, he helped Mark get dressed. Giving the younger the utmost affection and care since he would always be a delicate piece of art to Johnny. The most valuable thing in Johnny's life. The smaller boy was very drowsy in the mornings, even more than Johnny despite his strong coffee addiction. So he always made sure to take good care of him at that time. The idea of Mark feeling discomfort made Johnny feel guilty on the inside, so he always tried his best to keep Mark as comfortable as possible. He always secretly feared deep down that Mark would break on him unexpectedly, as if he was made of porcelain. So he treated Mark like a collector's item.

Mark headed into the living room and took a seat on the couch, turning on the TV with the remote which was placed on their coffee table. He surfed through channels, seeing nothing but unfunny or uncreative cable. Even if he'd never seen it, he knew what was gonna happen, it was a humdrum excuse of entertainment. That was either manufactured ‘reality’ which was exploitative or try hard drama's that copied what was popular years ago when Television didn't lack creativity or what was probably first done on Netflix. These factors are why he just ended up settling on the local news. It was great for white noise to make any living room feel more atmospheric.

Johnny, all the meanwhile, headed in the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. He needed caffeine if he was gonna continue throughout his day without Mark in his arms. Once Johnny got done making his coffee, he headed back to the couch to drink it. Johnny let out a deep sigh as he fell into the couch.

“Oh my god, you have no idea how much I needed caffeine Markie,” he said, making Mark chuckle a bit.

“You are not a morning person.” Mark joked with Johnny. With obvious flirtatious undertones.

“Well, it's hard to be a morning person when people keep testing me,” Johnny told Mark, jokingly clenching his fist. And that was the moment when Mark burst out in the most uncontrollable laughter. Mark found that the funniest thing he had ever heard, of course, he thought that about everything Johnny said.

Johnny gulped up his coffee until it was gone, drinking every single drop of the substance. As Johnny set his mug on the counter, Jaehyun, Haechan, and Taeil entered the living room. Taeil and Jaehyun took a seat on the couch, and Haechan took a seat on Taeil's lap.

“Do you have to sit like this Hyuckie? You know there are other people around.” Taeil teased the younger. Even though he enjoyed this type of skinship.

“But I like it here baby~ it's comfy” Haechan whined playfully. Which was impossibly cute.

“Alright fine. You can stay. But only because you're too adorable to let down.” Taeil wrapped his arms around the younger boy lovingly, feeling especially clingy to Haechan today for some reason.

“You know you guys have a room, right?” Jaehyun told the two monotonously. Irritated by their ‘lovey-dovey’ behaviour. Which seemed a little off compared to his normal demeanour.

“Anyways, you wanna come down to that coffee shop with me Johnny? I'd kinda like to speak one on one with you.”

Johnny nodded. “Sure, I could go for breakfast anyways,” he said to Jaehyun with a smile. The two-headed out as Mark continued with his morning routine as Johnny and Jaehyun both headed to the Café. On the way, Johnny wondered what Jaehyun had wanted to say to him, but only time could tell. Until then they walked in awkward silence. 

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