Cuddle [16]

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Johnny and Doyoung came back to the dorm after a long day, it was crazy everywhere they went since it was the first of the month not to mention it was December as well.

Johnny nearly ran into Mark's room since he missed Mark so much. He gave Mark the biggest, tightest hug.

"B-Baby you're squeezing too hard! You're squishing me!" Mark said with a cute chuckle.

"I'm sorry Markie, I just missed you so much~" Johnny said before he attacked Mark with kisses, rustling around before they landed in bed.

"I couldn't wait to cuddle you baby, it seemed like everything took forever without you there." Johnny told Mark with the brightest smile Mark had ever seen on his face.

"I missed you alot while you weren't here, it's so lonely in here without you." Mark pouted.

"So um, I don't know how to say this but um.." Mark looked a little nervous.

"What is it babe? You know you can tell me anything." Johnny said, comforting Mark.

"Well.. Uh, I wanna do something with you, but I don't know if you'd wanna do it with me because it's something I've never really done before."

"Babe, you're not making any sense. Just tell me it's alright."

Mark huffed deeply.

"I really want to have sex with you, but I'm a virgin and I don't think you'll want to with me.."

Johnny's eyes widen slightly, surprised by Mark's words.

Johnny stayed silent for a moment which scared Mark. Then suddenly out of nowhere Johnny's plump lips were on top of his.

Johnny's tongue entered Mark's mouth, as they tasted every single inch of each other's mouths.

"Don't worry Markie, I'll be gentle." Johnny whispered in Mark's ear seductively. Mark almost choked he was so caught off guard.

Mark could feel his pants tighten as Johnny began to kiss and suck on the soft pure skin of Mark's neck.

"A-Ahh~ I love you Johnny~" Mark moaned as he felt Johnny's warm tongue on his neck.

— to be continued (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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