Café [14]

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Mark arrived at the small coffee shop, he saw Johnny sitting at a booth in the middle of the cafe and went over and sat on the opposite side of the booth, facing Johnny.

"Hey Markie, you look great. Is that a new sweater?" Mark blushed a little.

"Thanks, I guess you could say it's new." Mark smiled, brushing his hair behind his ear.

"So, I've never been to this place before, what do you recommend?" Mark said to Johnny a grabbed a menu.

"Me, Jaehyun and Doyoung come here alot. Jaehyun usually gets the big salad it's got a bunch of different stuff in it and the dressing is pretty good but Doyoung doesn't like it because it has cucumbers in it, even though Jaehyun brings a cucumber with him here sometimes because he says it doesn't have enough cucumbers."

Johnny gave a somewhat long explanation, making Mark chuckle a little at how all of his band mates are odd and quirky.

"So if Doyoung doesn't like the big salad because of the cucumbers, what does he get?" Mark asked.

"Well it depends, but he likes tuna on toast." Johnny responded

Mark made some sort of an ugh sound to signify his distaste for the meal in a joking sort of way.

"I don't like tuna. Seafood in general is something I'm not a fan of."

Johnny positioned his hand on his chin, as he looked up at Mark lovingly.

The way Johnny was looking at Mark made him blush just a little.

Mark lifted up the menu, looking at it for a bit. Soon a waitress came up, her uniform was yellow with a white apron.

"Have you guys decided on what you want? Johnny your usual?" The waitress said.

"Uh, no actually I'm gonna get this, the sandwich for a change." Johnny responded.

"And I'll have the chicken breasts with a baked potato." Mark told the waitress.

The waitress walked away, leaving Johnny and Mark amongst themselves.

Johnny kept subtly flirting with Mark.

Johnny's eyes could speak paragraphs, a single look told a whole story.

Johnny's glare made Mark so flustered that his cheeks were completely red.

Mark looked away from Johnny to attempt to hide his deep blushing.

Then Johnny said something after a moment of, for some reason romantic silence

"So, Mark I kinda wanted to ask you. How long before we y'know tell the others?"

Mark paused for a second. "I guess I really didn't think about that."

"Well uhm, I think I should tell you that uh.. I told Haechan, out of obligation. And uhm.. Yuta knows too." Mark said with a tone of nervousness.

"Yeah I told Doyoung too out of obligation-- wait did you just say Yuta? I'm afraid to ask."

Johnny ran his hands through his hair.

"Ok. So should we tell them? I mean on one hand they should know, on the other hand they can be alot to deal with at times." Mark said.

"How about we let whoever finds out find out and just not tell them unless Taeyong gets onto us." Johnny said, in a slight joking manor even though he really meant his words.

Mark giggled, "Ok baby." He immediately embarrassed himself by calling Johnny baby and hid his face in his palms.

"I-I meant J-Johnny!" Mark stuttered.

"It's ok Markie, you can call me baby all you want I like it." Johnny smiled, he thought Mark was just the cutest boy in the world.

Johnny leaned in closer to Mark, and Mark did as well. As they got closer and closer getting ready to kiss, their waitress came with their food.

"Ok this one's for you, the chicken. And this one's for you the sandwich. Need anything else?" The waitress said.

"Nah that's it for now, Thanks Jiyu." Johnny said to the waitress.

"Anytime Youngho." The waitress told Johnny.

The two boys ate their lunch, talking and laughing as they ate their food. They were so naturally comfortable with eachother, it's no wonder that they would date because they had a better relationship, even only as friends then most married couples.

Once they got done eating Johnny walked Mark back to their dorm.

Suddenly though, Johnny completely halted as they got close to the dorms.

"What's going on? Why'd you stop?"

Johnny held Marks waist gently, getting closer to Mark.

"You're so cute Markie."

Johnny kissed Mark. Mark's eyes widened at first in shock. But then he adjusted more to it, he closed his eyes as Johnny's tongue made a slight entrance into Mark's mouth.

They embraced eachother as they kissed for a while. Then they finally separated their lips from each other's only because it began to rain.

The rain came down heavily and Johnny pulled Mark close to him using his body to block Mark from the cold rain.

They rushed into the dorm's.

Mark chuckled a little, he told Johnny lowly so the other members couldn't hear "You were so cute back there baby~ I couldn't stop crushing."

He said blushing heavily, with his trade marked crushing smile.

Johnny said to Mark pretty quietly "You did too, Markie. I had to protect my adorable sweetie."

Johnny kissed Mark again, this time only a simple peck.

"I love you~" Johnny said nuzzling Mark's chin.

"I love you too~"

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