Need Your Love [22]

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Johnny and Mark hadn't been as clingy with eachother recently. It wasn't anything between them, It was just their busy schedules. They were both working alot and by the time they had time off they were both exhausted.

Today was a bit of a change from that though, they finally had the day off. Nothing to get in the way of the two of them. It felt like so long since they've really been around eachother, really spent quality time outside of just work. And now they finally had the opportunity to spend time together, get back to their usual pace.

Mark knocked on Johnny's bedroom door softly. "J-Johnny." He said so softly it could barely be heard. Johnny opened the door for Mark and let him in quickly.

"Are you ok Markie? You don't seem yourself." Johnny said, slightly concerned for the younger boy. He led the boy over to his bed to sit down.

"I'm fine.. I-It's just that.. I think I miss you.." Mark said timidly. "I didn't know that I'd feel this way and I feel kinda crazy, but we've been apart from each other longer then we've ever been since we've been dating."

Johnny didn't know how to respond at first, but then pulled Mark close to him. Mark clearly felt so comfortable in the older boy's arms. Johnny softly petted the back of Mark's head, he felt almost reassured in a way knowing that Mark missed him.

All this time away from each other made Johnny feel a little ignored, even though he knew Mark couldn't help it. And getting Mark's attention like this made him feel better about everything.

Mark was snuggled into Johnny's chest at this point. He looked so cute, messy hair suited him well. He always looked like the perfect example of a boyfriend, especially in Johnny's eyes.

His art piece, laying on him so beautifully. Johnny remembered everything he loves about Mark in that moment. Every single little detail. "I love you Mark~" Johnny said softly to the younger, who became clingy in his boyfriends arms.

"I want to be with you like this forever, and never let you. And I know this sounds kinda crazy coming from me, but I love you more then words could ever describe." Johnny poured his heart out to the younger, in a way he had never before. Not to anybody. This was entirely new to Johnny, this amount of emotion towards a partner.

"I love you so much Johnny. I never want to be apart again. I want to be like this forever too." Mark whispered in Johnny's ear, and softly kissed the area by Johnny's ear.

Johnny softly stroked Mark's hair. They cuddled for a moment until a high pitched voice voice yelled from across the room.

"Can you guys keep the love fest to a minimal? I'm trying to play this game and you guys are making me lose." Haechan said, making the older boys sigh.

"Hey Haechan, why don't you go hang out with Taeil for a little bit and let me and Mark be alone for a little bit." Johnny told Haechan, talking in a way that a father would to his son.

"I'm not a child Johnny, and why don't you just take Mark to his room if you guys need alone so badly?" Haechan said as the sounds of his mouse clicking echoed through the room.

"Oh.. I didn't really think about that." Johnny said. Mark sat beside Johnny feeling very awkward as the roommates conversed.

"Of course you didn't, you were too busy being a love sick little puppy." Haechan muttered to himself. Haechan didn't disapprove of their relationship or anything to that extent, he was just tired of his roommate.

Johnny wrapped Mark's legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. He carried the younger into his room and laid the boy down gently on his bed.

Johnny laid next to Mark and wrapped his arms around the boy. He gave the boy a kiss. As their lips met their emotions became overwhelming, Johnny's tongue met Mark's lips as a way to ask for entry.

Mark complied and let Johnny's warm tongue slip into his mouth. They began to make out, so much passion and emotion between the two of them.

The feeling of euphoria between them as their wet tongues greeted eachother. They stopped for a moment to take a breath.

The two of them panted as their eyes met. "You're so beautiful like this Markie~" Johnny said in a breathy voice. "I almost wanna.." Johnny cut himself off, trying to refrain from what he was going to say.

"What were you gonna say?" Mark said, his cheeks still red from the compliment Johnny had given him. "I shouldn't, it might be too soon considering the circumstances. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." Johnny said, still hesitant.

"No, I promise it won't. Just tell me." Mark replied. It was almost flirtatious in a very Mark like way.

"You wanna.. You know.. Make love?" Johnny said, trying his best not to come off weird. Especially given Mark's lack of experience.

Mark's face turned entirely red, he was caught off guard to be completely honest. "Y-Yeah I would like that alot."

They stared at eachother for a moment, getting closer and closer as the tension in the room grew. I think you can guess where this is going.

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know I might be taking longer to write but I was kind of at a lack of inspiration for a little bit so I didn't want to make anything if there was no real passion behind it, but I finally figured out what I wanna do with this story now and I'm really excited.
I made this chapter a little longer then usual but I really like it and I think it's *chefs kiss* and the next chapter will probably be longer as well, depending. Hope you guys are enjoying this :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K!!

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