Cafe 127 [21]

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Doyoung and Jaehyun sat at their usual booth, waiting for Johnny to arrive. "Hey Doyoung?" Jaehyun said, raising an eyebrow.

Doyoung blushed a little, as he was caught off guard. "Yes Jaehyun?" Doyoung said shyly.

"Do you think Johnny and Mark are together? Like you know, dating?" Jaehyun said, making Doyoung's eyes widen in panic.

"Uhh.. No.. Um.. I mean not really, what made you think that Jaehyun?" Doyoung said nervously, his voice slightly trembling.

"Well it's just they've been acting kinda mysterious lately, and I found it a little strange. What do the two of them of all people need to be mysterious for?" Jaehyun said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"But I mean, on another note. Is there anyone that you like in our group Doyoung? Because I know a certain somebody who would be a pretty good match for you-" Jaehyun was interrupted by the sound of bells chiming as the door to the small establishment opened.

Johnny entered the Cafe and sat in their usual booth alongside Doyoung, Jaehyun sitting on the opposing side. "Hey guys, sorry I took so long. I was helping Mark with something." Johnny said.

"It's alright, me and Doyoung had a nice conversation while you weren't here." Jaehyun said sipping his coffee once again.

"Oh really, what'd you guys talk about?" Johnny asked with a smile. "Are you and Mark going out?" Jaehyun asked, Johnny's eyes widened. He looked over at Doyoung and tilted his head since Doyoung was one of the only people who knew about their relationship.

He turned around to face Jaehyun again. "Look, Jaehyun. What I'm about to tell you is completely one hundred percent confidential, you cannot tell anybody under any circumstances. Alright?"  Johnny said sternly.

Jaehyun nodded, "Alright Johnny." Johnny sighed, "I've never really talked about this to anyone, besides for Doyoung. But I've had feelings for Mark for years. Until a couple months ago I didn't have the courage to tell him. But it turns out he liked me all this time too."

Jaehyun smiled, clenching his chest dramatically. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Johnny and Doyoung both laughed at their friend.

"Now if only Doyoung could be like Mark, then my life would be set." Jaehyun joked flirtatiously. Doyoung's cheeks turned red and he crossed his arms, still laughing though. "Shut up Jae." Doyoung joked, he was visibly flustered.

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