Stay [8]

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Mark nudged the Johnny asleep beside him lightly to wake him up. Johnny began to open his eyes slowly "M-Mark?" Johnny said, his voice dry and raspy.

"Good morning~ Taeyong's making sausage I guess?" Mark told Johnny.

"Wait I gotta get down there before Haechan steals them all from me," he said, getting up and rushing to get his clothes on. "Wait- Johnny slow down- you don't have to rush dude just chill out," Mark said, with mostly the intent to spend more one on one time with Johnny after what happened between them the other day.

"But I want sausage for breakfast." Johnny gave a cute pouty face to Mark. "I can reason with Hyuck, I just kinda wanna spend some time with you~" Mark told Johnny with an adorable shyness. "Really? Well, then who cares about food, my Markie's more important."

Mark smiled, as he got closer to Johnny. Swaying back and forth slightly. Their lips beginning to meet before they heard the yell of a familiar voice.

"BREAKFAST IS READY! ANYONE WHO DOESN'T GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW ISN'T EATING." Taeyong yelled throughout the dorms, Johnny and Mark started running out of the room. Taeyong was very kind and took care of his fellow members but when it came to food, he was no joke.

-to be continued-

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