One - Animal Book

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Authors Note: Hey Everyone! So, lemme just sum something up real quick. I wrote this story back in 2019.... now it's 2021. However, because my book has reached 69.9k reads (hehe), I'm going to rewrite and edit this book! Anywho, I hope you're having a good day and enjoy reading :)


Derry Middle School.
A place where rowdy kids spend six hours a day, either being bullied or bullying someone. A place with yellow stained walls that are covered in school posters, attempting to persuade kids into joining book clubs, debating team or strangely enough, the exotic swish cheese tasting club.

Derry Middle School was also a place where you'd spend those six hours with friends. But, in my case, it doesn't help being the new kid on the block, along with my brother, Ben Hanscom. An over proportioned sized boy, a grade above me and has brown hair and blue eyes. We would look quite similar if it weren't for my green eyes and slimmer physique. 

3:30pm, the fragile doors fling open, as the reckless 6th, 7th and 8th graders spill out into the halls like sheep. Books are hurled in trash, lockers emptied out, papers strewn all over. The hallway was crowded with my fellow peers, while I tried to shimmy and squeeze my way through the tunnel of backpacks.

Summer. Summer has officially commenced. Ironic how that's my name, isn't it. One of the most joyful times of year, summer break. However, I spend it at home, doing absolutely nothing. Both Mom and Dad work full-time. Mom's a personal assistant at the local news-agency, while Dad, works as a mechanical worker. Neither of them are ever home, especially since Mom got her promotion and made us move for her work. Although, I don't know if they just like their jobs a lot or if work is just an accuse to never see one another.

So, I'll be home alone, probably starring at the wall, contemplating my melodramatic life while Ben, my only sibling, spends his days at the town library.

I'm a quite girl in school. Reasons being because I'm new, and I'm not the most social butterfly in Derry, also because I know what some of these people are like. 

The halls were packed with large amounts of students trying to flee the school, so the summer holidays could finally begin. However, I was stuck behind three boys which I believe are in my brothers year. I sigh, taking what felt like baby steps down the hall, as shoulders of other students barged into my own.

One of the boys in front of me was Bill Denbrough. He was tall boy with an on going stutter, he looked like he came straight out of a Sally Mann photo. He had short brown hair and seemed nice enough.

Next was Richie Tozier. A video game and television freak with big-eyes glasses, a lot of people, mainly Henry Bowers and his friends, make fun of him for the way he looks. I did feel bad for him sometimes.

Finally, there was Eddie Kaspbrak. A boy abnormally small for his age, an inhaler always in his hand. Definitely a mama's boy, with his medicine-filled fannypack. He was probably the most attractive one out of his friendship group but that didn't help him in school because he was a total Germaphobe. 

I drag my feet against the tiled ground beneath me, feeling the weight of my bag pull me down. Having no friends didn't help, especially when you're walking down the lonely hallway. It made my brain wonder around and listen in on other peoples conversations. And frankly, that's what I'm doing now. As I was walking behind the three boys, they started talking about something that I couldn't help but ears drop on. 

"But how does it work?" Bill asked, looking down to both Richie and Eddie. Eddie adjusted his sight upwards to Bill, giving him a 'duh' expression that was plastered across his face.

Eddie announced. "They slice the tip of his dick off." My eyes widen and I try not to choke on my own saliva, that began building up at the back of my throat. The sudden noise made Eddie turned in my direction, looking at me, up and down for what felt like a split second, before turning back to his friends. 

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