Nine - Projector Slips

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We start heading towards Bill's house after collecting our bikes again from where we left them earlier.

Bill said that he wanted to show us something in his garage, in curiosity and fear about the conversation we just had before we decided it was better and safer to stick together as a group.

As we were pushing our bike along Bill drive way, I pulled Eddie aside to talk to him.

"Eddie, please say something to me. I have no idea what I've done but I'm sorry. This morning we were fine and now you've been avoiding me, please tell me what I've done" I plead. Eddie looks at the ground, contemplating if he should talk to me or not.

"It's not that simple" he peeped out, still facing the ground.

"Eddie look at me" I say, lifting his face up by holding his chin, his cheeks turn red while we lock eyes.

"I'm extremely sorry, I don't know what I've done but I'm so sorry to make you believe that you can't talk to me. You don't have to tell me what I've done but please, talk to me" I say and he nods without saying anything, as if he's processing what I've said.

We stand still for a moment, awaiting his response in suspense, my heart racing just thinking about it. He turns away from me again, loosing eye contact and facing the ground again.

"We should go inside" he says, walking away from me, leaving me alone outside.

He really does hate me now, my heart feels like it's sinking and my eyes brim with water.

I head inside, avoiding Eddie. Bill is putting up a map over a projector before turning it on and closing the curtains and garage door.

We all take a seat next to Stanley and Mike. Bill takes out a small projector slip that he borrowed off Ben and on the project popped out the old map of Derry behind the new one.

"Look, that's where g-g-Georgie disappeared" pointing towards a black circled x labeled 'storm drain'.

"And there's the ironworks, and the black spot" he said pointing towards other black circles x's that are labeled.

"Everywhere IT happens, it's all connected by the sewers... and they all meet up at-" Bill adds before getting cut off.

"The well house" Ben exclaims in confusion.

"The house of Neibolt street" Stanley mentions, shaking slightly.

"Isn't that the creepy house where all the junkies and drug addicts sleep?" Richie asked, Bill nodded in response.

Eddie starts breathing roughly, taking large puffs of his inhaler to try and calm him down.

"That's where I saw it, that's where I saw the clown" Eddie blurts out, taking another puff of his inhaler.

"T-T-That's where IT lives" bill says, Eddie taking more and more puffs of his inhaler.

"Are you alright?" I whisper down to him, he just nods his head. The silent treatment, how could I forget.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there-" Stanley says quietly before Eddie stands up in full on panic mode.

"Can't we just stop talking about this!" Eddie exclaims taking another puff of his inhaler.

"Eddie it's okay sit down" I say and he shakes his head at me.

"No, don't you dare tell me what to do" he says, looking at me angerly and in that moment I seriously wanted to cry but I kept it in.

"I- I- I can barely breathe! This is summer! Were kids! I can barely breathe and I'm about to have a fucking asthma attack, and I'm not doing this!" Eddie says, ripping down the map that bill put in front of the projector.

 𝑵𝒆𝒘 ☆ Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now