Eleven - Monsters

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"You. You did this! You know how delicate he is" Mrs K snaps, snatching Eddie away from us and giving us all disgusted looks.

"We were attacked, Mrs K" Bill said, trying to cover up the fact we just hunted down and hurt by a fucking clown.

"Don't! Don't try and blame anybody else" she hissed, pushing Eddie into her car because shutting his door.

He look up at all of us, before looking at me. Guilt, sorrow and anger all mixed into one emotion as we made eye contact, he turned away, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

Mrs K dropped her keys and went to down to go a grab them.

"Let me grab them for you Mrs-" Beverly said before the devil in front of her yelled at her.

"Back!" She yelled, putting her hands in front of Beverly so she couldn't go near her keys before snatching her keys.

"Oh I've heard of you Miss Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son" Mrs K said, leaning close to Beverly scoffing at her, before turning away to look through her bag

"Mrs K I s-s-swear" Bill attempted to explain before Mrs K turned about around pointing her finger into our faces.

"No! You are all monsters! All of you! And eddie is done with you, you hear, Done!" she hissed before watching to the drivers seat in the car and hopping in.

Eddie looked back up at us, tears streaming down his face before they started driving away to the hospital.

We all followed there car before it was out of sight and we were all standing there, in the middle of the road in front of Eddies house.

"I saw the well, w-w-we know where it is and next time, we will be better prepared" Bill said, eager to get back to the well house.

"No! No next time Bill! You're insane!" Stanley yelled, still completely shocked from what happened only less then an hour earlier.

"We all know that nobody else is going to do anything" Beverly said, standing up for Bill.

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at the mother fucker, He's leaking Hamburger helped!" Richie yells pointing towards Ben's stomach.

"Richie's right. I nearly died, Eddie nearly died, Ben had nearly died twice now. What happens when one of us really die? We can just show up at their parents house says 'we got attacked, sorry for your loss but here's your kid back'. This needs to stop" I yell, all of my anger and emotions being stored in from the last couple of hours have been fully let out.

"We can't pretend like it's going away! Ben, you said it yourself. It comes back every 27 years" Beverly said, looking deeply at Ben.

"Fine! I'll be forty and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too!" he states shaking his head, holding onto his stomach.

"Because I want to run toward something, not away!" She says, holding her anger in.

"Im sorry but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie yelled pointing towards Beverly, in return Beverly pulled up her middle finger at him.

"Richie!" I yelled, he brushed me off while he continues to yell.

"I'm just saying, let's face fact! Real world! Georgie is dead! We can't let it kill us too" Richie said, trying to leave the little circle we all have formed but Bill pushed him back.

"Georgie's not dead!" Bill protest, standing his ground that he looks much taller than Richie.

"You couldn't save him, you can still save yourself" Richie said making a run for it but Bill gets in front of him again.

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